Chapter 24 : Serendipity

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I stayed quiet as I sat with Mr. UK, after finishing his story, I finally see a different side of mama if I think about her.

And never in my wildest dreams ever thought that the man sitting before me sipping his tea gracefully, was in love with my mother. Not just in love, he was head over heels for her that even now he still loves her..

"When I heard about her death, my whole life became meaningless, the things I had were now useless, I felt really useless as well" he said with sorrowful eyes, "she was my light, my hope, my beacon, my everything, and now that she's gone all of those...Cease to exist.. "

I can feel his heartache, even now he's still mourning for mama's death. it must've hurt a lot, he must've suffered a lot.

I know how it feels when you can't do anything at all. I was there yet all I did was hide and cry while feeling all pathetic.

He placed his now empty cup down.

"Even though I promised myself I'll protect her no matter what, I still failed. That's why I decided I'll protect you as her dying wish instead "

I soften my gaze to Mr. UK.

"I appreciate it"

He smiled "It must be awkward for you to know that I once loved your mother"

I shake my head.

"Its okay, everyone has their first love"

He chuckled, "what about you? Did you had a first love?"

I think for a minute. "Hmm, no I don't think so, I never had any romantic feelings for anyone ever"

His expression says that he doesn't believe me, I can't blame him though, even at my age I should have at least have one but I never really did.


I nodded. "Yes, really. I know it's hard to believe but it's true"

"Alright, I feel kind of relieve" he said.

I tilted my head to the side "Why?" I asked.

He didn't answer, instead he stood up and wore his top hat offering me his arm.

"Walk with me?" He offered.

I won't pry him anymore so I accepted it.

We walked a few miles away from the cafe and we ended up in this park where people are also hanging out.

We sat on one of the benches under a tree shade and watch the people have a good time.

"what was.. Mama like when you met her?"

"She was, the most beautiful, and the most kindest person I met" the way he said those words contain a certain amount of love and affection. Its so strong that even I can feel it. 

"You really loved her that much?"

"I do"

I can never relate, I never felt having a first love in my life, I was so focused on my family and making my brother proud that I missed the opportunity.

"How does it.. Feel? I mean what does it feel like?"

He laughed and pats me on my head, "you're a strange one" he said.

"Sorry, I only know family love"

"It's okay"

Mr. UK took a deep and closes his eyes. "It feels, light, soft, fluffy and it feels like your whole world brightened up you finally have a reason to live again and you would feel like you're unstoppable"

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now