Answers Please 2.0

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[ Hello, hello, it is me your favorite and lovable G.D!~ ehehehe~ well what do you know you actually finished the first book~ it makes me proud and I'm happy you guys stuck around with me up until the very end. Well, not really the end, but ya know what I mean by end ]

[Anyways, This answers please 2.0 is quite long, considering we have soooooo many characters and the most questions -- and the first person we'll ask. Is our main heroin and first person to ask ]

[ She has like 60+ and I know I've posted something like in my conversation in my profile. That I'll only accept questions from March 4 - 5 up until 12 pm. But guess what, I'll accept all questions this time, cause I've been absent for a long time and I see that many people still ask ]

[ Although I won't include questions that are repetitive and repeated okay? And the ones that doesn't make sense ]

[ But anyways, let us start? But first we'll introduce the first (6) people that we'll ask ]

[ And they're the most loved of course, cause most readers are from this country ]

[ The Philippine family~~ ]

[ We have our lovable, cute, dense, naive, and oblivious: philipia ]

Philipia:: hello~ how are you?

[ And the sources of her beauty: Perla and kati ]

Perla:: Kamusta~

Kati:: Nice to meet all of you.

[ Next is our loved twins: Gregorio del Pilar and Martial law~ ]

Greg:: What is up babesss

Martial:: Hello...

[ And of course our surviving relative: Tito magdalo or also known as Professor jack ]

Jack:: Good day everyone.

[ Alrighty~ since all the Philippine family is now introduced, On the next chapter is gonna be for philipia's chapter cause omg, she has a lot, like a lott-lotttt~ but I'll keep it short and concise as best as I could ]

[ See ya there ]

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now