Answers Please 2.0 ( Malaysia )

958 50 92

[ Wazzup ]

Malaysia:: I'm next! Weepe!

[ Say hi to the fans Malaysia ]

Malaysia:: Hello! It's me! Your big boy Malaysia! Hehehe~! I'm so excited to be here and I hope I got many questions unlike before.

[ Uhhh. Well, there is a lot. There's an improvement but... ]

Malaysia:: awww is it the same as before? *Pouts* it's fine. I expected that anyways, but just like philipia always say; be humble and appreciate~

[ Awww, that's so pure Malaysia. I'm proud of you ]

Malaysia:: Thank you author, and I'm proud of you as well, to answer all of these questions by yourself

[ *Iz touched* ]

[ Awww, don't make me cry!! π^π ]

Germany:: Can we move on already? Just give him his questions.

[ Shut up germs! I need a moment here! ]

[ *Blows nose* ]

[ Ehem! Okay, first question for you Malaysia ]

Malaysia:: I don't want to mention her stupid name ever again! She's bad, she's a manipulative b*tch who dated two guys for show!

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Malaysia:: I don't want to mention her stupid name ever again! She's bad, she's a manipulative b*tch who dated two guys for show!

Indonesia:: We were young and thirsty for love at that age and she had more experienced in the dating field so we didn't know what we were doing was wrong.

Malaysia:: We believed in her and I didn't even know I was hurting indo as well! *Sniff* *sniff*

Indonesia:: it's fine now, that was all in the past. We learned from it and never again, ever.

Malaysia:: Yeah!

Germany:: Yeah but what was her name? That was the question.

Brunei:: I'm curious.

Malaysia:: do I have to? Don't I have rights?

[ You do, you can answer or don't, is entirely your decision Malaysia ]

Malaysia:: uhhhhh....she's uhm...

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