Chapter 15 : Concatenation

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[own made character ↑]

[I know my story is like not accurate to the history or to wiki but come on guys, its a fanfic let's pretend everyone here is ya know... I made them like this for this story only and if like you guys thinks its not even true he is suppose to be this or that, yess... I knowwwww, and my story is different so please be kind to me. Also, if some of you don't like philipia really naive or innocent, I've said it at the VERY BEGINNING that you can always leave, don't be harsh on poor philipia huhuhu π^π I've said it like she's super dense or like was not really taught cause martial, it's all Martial's fault not mineeeeee!! He did it!! He sheltered philipia!! Not meeee!!UWAA!! --- anyways, this author's note is long enough so let's get to the story shall we?]

[ALSO! sorry if it suddenly published, I really am sorry]

[ there'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~ ]



Three weeks already came after that incident, traumatic and sad but we got over it. Its done and we decided to move on and forget about it.

"Alright class settle down"

I look at the very seat at the back behind china, it was empty and clean, everyone had cleaned it up. Unfortunately the owner of that seat won't be able to come back, that seat will be empty for a while..

I sigh as I focused back to the lesson, its been peaceful yet I'm still troubled, I am unable to gather enough information at the end of this month, the due date is coming near and it is giving me pressure, I have to do something or else brother will certainly take me back home.

CLASS ENDED and now we all decided to go to that place, except china. As the secretary he is very busy and hardworking, the position suits him.

"Damn that lesson was complicated, I couldn't understand a thing" joe said.

"I guess" I replied, I was still down and still a little out of the weather..

"Hey, its okay I'm here, cheer up philipia" he said patting my back to which I smiled.

"Yeah thanks"

"Shall we?" He smiled while holding the doorknob, I nodded in reply.


"sir please calm down.. "

J was at it again, he really dislikes it. He was using the blanket to protect himself from the nurse that's holding a syringe for his daily does of vitamins, he was unconscious for 5 days and his body needed it yet, the sight of the needle scares him than the cockroach.

"No!!!! Ah! Philipia!!! Help!" He jumps from his bed and runs towards me and went behind me, "Tell her to go!!"

"I can't J, you have to or you'll get sick easily without vitamins" I reassured him.

"Nooooo!!" He whined

Three weeks already came and J is now okay, the principal knew he remembered but she let it slide, afterall she is worried for his mentally to endure the pain if he ever was to go under it again. That's why only us except joe and spain, knows the secret that J is conscious. He is still being held in the hospital until he gets proper treatment and we visit once in a while. J does remember but he is back to his old self, the cheerful, loud self.

"Be a man!!"

"Shut up! You're not helping!"

Joe and J glared at each other while he is behind me, "J you have to stop bothering the nurse, she is doing her job and don't make it harder for her" I said.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now