Chapter 48 : Alexithymia

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[ Still blame me, also. Woww~ you're almost at the end of the book ]

[ Enjoy~ ]


"A true leader, leads, they don't overpower and belittle. A true leader cooperates, not order and enslave, and a true leader is responsible, not selfish and egotistic"

Was what my father would always tell me, as a kid. I wanted to be like him, he was my idol, my ideal self to be-- so I followed it.

I grew up selfless, but at the same time, I was getting stronger and stronger every passing years and decades. I used to even watch him make a speech, I use to watch him talk to other country leaders...

I use to aspire to be him...

But now. I despise him, I hate him. To the point I can't even look at him...

Sure, it's justifiable that he wants peace so much that he kills off the bad guys...

But there's just something wrong to's so wrong in so many levels...

Many decades passed, the childish wars that has cut us off as one continent-- has finally ended.

Every leaders in the whole world gathered in one place, to offer, and discuss peace...of course, not all leaders were able to come but don't worry. This won't be the last meeting, everyone just needed a time to recover. And a time to erase it all.

My older sister Gondwana created a machine that could erase a person's memory, unfortunately, it wasn't perfect yet. It was still a beta but we were running out of time, we have to move fast before another war will happen again.

So my other older sister Laurasia, summoned all leaders again and the famous meeting of the world begun.

But this time, everyone has changed, their flags changed, their personalities changed. Everything did, for me at that time, I don't think we needed to erase their memory anymore.

I think this was already okay, but I was so wrong. The little countries that were abused and colonized for a long time. Till now they still suffer, that I cannot forgive, for once I actually want to thank my father for raising me selfless...but right now, my selflessness was limited.

I saw how arrogant, threatening and rebellious the stronger countries were. So I didn't even think of stopping the plan to erase their memories, now I understood why my sister and father planned it.

Now I understand how grown ups think.

Yet once again, I thought I fully understood what they meant...




"Ah! I'm s-sorry!"

A soft, quivering and shaking voice apologized. It peeked my interest, my instincts to help immediately kicked in but, my tracks were stopped when I landed my eyes on that small form.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now