Russia's Dirty Dream 1.1

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[ Edited at: July 8, 2021 ]



"B-but russia.. Yo-"


Philipia flinched but obeyed. His eyes were filled with nothing but desire to pounce on the woman who can make his mind go crazy.

"Don't chase after her... Don't go after.. Don't... Don't... " He advised himself, almost like a man on a verge of hunger.

He clutched tightly on his arms, his chest heaving heavily in and out.

"Philipia... Philipia..." He repeats the name over and over and over as if it's the only thing he can think of, the only thing that's keeping him sane.

Russia is aware there's something wrong with him. Is he finally at his limit? Is he really that greedy now? He has to distance himself otherwise- God knows what he might do to his sunshine.

____________________ ⟨⟨Russia's Dirty Dream⟩⟩

"Yo rust!" Kazakhstan greeted him, snapping the Russian giant awake from his trance, he felt like his whole body was floating but he ignored it and turn to face the man.

Shouldn't he be in his room having a fever? Or did the fever made him muddlehead and forgetful?

"What is it?" He asked as he leaned back on his chair.

"Class already ended" Kazakhstan reminded him.

Surely it had already ended, he can't even remember what the teacher was saying or what the lecture was.

Russia sighed and said "I see" standing up, gathering his things and leaving the room with Kazakhstan.

As they walk in the hall and arriving at a fork, Kazakhstan went the other way for his club activities while Russia went ahead to the classroom of his dorm mates.

When he arrived, he saw Spain, China and America crowding over Japan who's asleep on his desk while drooling. They were snickering and laughing at themselves as they take a picture from different angles. Russia didn't know whether to laugh or mock these idiots but when he saw his sunshine erasing the remaining writings on their boards.

His calm heart started accelerating, hairs on his body stood on ends. She didn't notice his presence so she continued to do what she has to do. When she accidentally knocked over a chalk, philipia bends down to pick it up, since the summer uniform for the female had a short shorts even with a stockings to cover up her exposed legs, it was still enough to temp a man.

Russia's eyes darken and he felt the inside of his pants tighten a little bit. He immediately turn to the other way and cleared his throat, pulling his necktie when he felt his throat starts itching.

"Wtf!" America suddenly exclaimed which everyone turn to his way.

"What's wrong?" Russia asked, a bit hoarse but he acted normal as to avoid suspicion, especially towards the Chinese and his sharp perception.

"I'm just lending Joe the porn vid he asked" South Korea said with a smug, obviously he's doing it on purpose.

Russia glanced over to philipia who seems to be curious so he immediately step over and block her way. "you don't need to know sunshine" he advised.

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