Chapter 12 : High as one can be

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[Human Canada : art by me ↑]

[The following chapter will contain a slight self-harm so be open minded and its very long, much love~]

[ There'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~ ]


"I want an explanation"

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"I want an explanation"

The hallway was filled with students watching what was happening; including me.

Apparently two students were caught smoking marijuana in the boys restroom, unfortunately for them the smell was so strong that it was enough to spread around the hallway.

The person who caught them is none other than the principal: she stood before them holding the bag of the said marijuana whilst the two students were kneeling on the floor with both heads down.

"Now!" She yelled that it even sent shivers to everyone else, if she gets really angry she's really scary.

No wonder she became a principal here– I wonder if the other principal is scary as her too.

"W-we uhm, we just found it ma-ma'am" one of them said in a shaky voice.

"Found it? And what did you do? Used it?!? Did you know using this is prohibited in school? Even if it is allowed in your country, you can't use this without medical permission!"

She seems really angry, I can see veins popping out now.

"Oh man"

I look back to see Joe "She looks terrifying" he comments.

"Yeah... But can you believe it? A marijuana?" I asked.

He doesn't seem surprised "they need big balls for it"

I titled my head to the side, "why would they need balls?" I ask.

"err.. Well what I meant is.. Nevermind" he shakes it off.

But it only got me curious.

After a moment, the principal took the two in her office and the students that were watching went to their own businesses.

"Did you guys saw that?" J comes in from the other side of the hall with Russia behind him.

"Yeah we did, geez it's not good for her beauty though" Joe replied.

"A marijuana, now who in the world could get their hands on one?" Suddenly China spoke behind me with a rather serious, thinking face.

"Is it important? What matter is they love to get highhh" Joe laughed and wrapped an arm around China.

"It is important because it is the root of it all, marijuana or perhaps.. Weed?"

Joe flinched and slowly removed his hand "we-weed?" He questions.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now