Chapter 32 : I saw an angel

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"Mother, are angels real? "

"What do you think?"

"I think that they exist"

"Haha, really? Have you seen one?"

"No, but I do think they still exist"

"And why is that?"

"Because I saw a lady that looked exactly like the Angel at the painting from the chapel"

"Don't you think that they just look similar?"

"No, but I do think that angels disguise themselves as human to blend in"

"Hmmm, I'd like to see one someday"

"maybe you already did? But you just don't know it's an Angel"

"Well I'd like to see one someday that I know it's an Angel, but how do I know it's an Angel? Tell me, since you sound so knowledgable about it"

"Well, all I could say is that, they are very kind and very beautiful, you'll know it immediately mother"

"Like I said, how?"

"Well, the air around them is very holy, and when you look at them you'll burn cause you're so sinful?"

"Hahahah! Is that so?"


"So for short something inside you will go 'thump' and you'll immediately think it's an Angel?"


"Hahah, alright, I'll keep that in mind then"

"Need some help?"

I look to my right and saw Indonesia.

"Oh hey Indonesia" I greeted.

"Just call me indo or don, pick whichever you like" he said and took one of my bags.

"Oh, it's okay I can carry them"

He looks back at me with a smile, "it's a mans job to help a lady"

I smiled back, "thank you"

I just got in building 2 and it's a bit far from the building I was first assigned.

China is in this building and Russia too, along with joe. Though, we are in different rooms on different floors. I was placed on the top floor on room 3, And apparently, Indonesia is my dormmate.

"How are you feeling? Ever since that, well, you know"

I soften my eyes as I recalled about the incident with tokyo.

"I'm good, I'm okay" I answered.

Honestly, I'm still a bit conflicted. Me and J would walk pass each other but he would always be the one to avoid me.

Same with spain, one time we became partners for a project in class and for the whole day he didn't talk to me. He would only look at me with such cold eyes, as if he is angry at me but at the same time he isn't? Honestly, it's making me anxious.

It hurts but I'm okay, my only purpose is too spy against him anyways, but thanks to Ireland I got what I need.

Now I no longer need to place my attention to him anymore, and I'll protect him instead from afar when brother finally sets his plan.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now