Chapter 50 : The end is the beginning ( final )

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[ *ugly sobbing* bye - byeee~ ]

[ I apologize in advance if there's typos or grammatical errors, it's a long one so Keep an open mind uwu ^^ ]

[ Also, ugh. Please, spare me. I know the translations aren't accurate π^π ]

[ enjoy ~~ ]


Ahhh...spread your legs more..mnh...

There's someone... Something, something feels weird.

ngh!..shit...don't get so tight all of a sudden...!

Spains...voice. it sounds so husky, it sounds so weird.

Ahh...ahhh...haaa, philipia...haaa...I'm close...!

Something feels painful yet, good.

I'm close! Ahh!...shit! Fuck!...mnhn!!

What's happening? Is he okay? Is he in pain? I can't move, I can't see anything.

Holy shit, you feel so good...I want more...more my pearl, give me more, I'm so hungry to just take all of you...

Spain, what is he talking about? What's happening, why can't I do anything?

More...give me more...






"Ahh!" I jolted up and immediately head to my bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

I feel all the remaining food that's melting inside my stomach forcing its way up to my throat and burning.

I gasped for air as my body kept trembling, my forehead producing huge beads of sweat that I didn't even notice.

"Haaa...haaa..." I look up to the lever of the toilet; lifting my hand, I noticed that my hand is shaking.

Successfully pulling it down and the toilet flushed; I separate myself and lean on the tiled wall, catching my breath and heartbeat drumming in my ears.

I stayed in that position for a few seconds before a knock echoed in the room.

"Angel? Are you okay?" Israel worriedly called while he kept knocking; I bet he wouldn't stop unless I answer him back.

I look down to my legs and they too-- were shaking intensely, they've grown numb for some reason and I couldn't move them, I can't even stand up.

"I'm fine!" I forced a reply even if my throat was dry and burning, causing me to cough a little.

"What's going on Israel?" I hear Brunei speak.

"It's angel, I think there's something wrong, I just felt my throat burning" Israel replied.

"Burning?" Brunei wondered "Phil? You okay there?" He knocked a little harder than Israel.

I groaned as I forced my legs to help me stand up, I need to stand up; I can't make them worry about me like this.

I used the sink and the wall as my guide to stand and walk towards the door. Fixing myself a little, I slowly opened it slightly; enough for them to see me.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now