Chapter 30 : Polemic

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[Good bye again! Π^Π I'll be back in December!! wait for meeeeee!!!!]










Ahh, school life.

The teacher talking at the front as his students listens in, the sound of his chalk slide or tap on the chalkboard is refreshing to hear.

Though among this peace is the summer heat, unlike me who is used to it, the others are suffering considerably.

And since it's summer, our uniforms have changed too, pangaea provides us these uniforms depending on the seasons.

And right now, as the only female here in this part of the academy, I'm wearing a short. A short so short I feel like my whole soul is seen.

So to feel more comfortable, I wore spandex and my summer stockings, a stocking specifically made for summer.

"Philipia.. " I hear joe groan behind me.

"Yeah?" I look over at him from my shoulder.

"Mint... I need mint.. "

"It's already the 34th one" I said but still took one mint for him.

"Summer isn't my thing unless we are swimming" he took the mint and immediately ripped the wrapper and started eating it without even blinking.

Joe is sweating a lot too, making it look like he just came from the sauna.

Spain looked okay, he was writing what the teacher was writing.

China was fanning himself but still kept a composed face and wrote what was on the board.

J, well.. He's snoring and asleep, like always.

I look to the other side and saw south using a traditional fan, he saw me looking at him and he winked at me after the finger-heart.

I giggled and finger-heart him back. For some reason his face became completely red and smoke was coming out from his head, is the heat that strong to him?

"Hey, k-pop stop swooning and start writing" the teachers said even though his back is facing us.

South blushed and started jotting everything down.

I face the board again and the teacher was still writing, this peaceful atmosphere is really relaxing.





"Holy shit balls, it's fucking hot"

"Yikes, russia, language please"

"Shut up, J"

Class ended and we are now heading back towards our dorm.

"They wouldn't let the students use the AC, that's bullshit" Joe cussed.

Their temper is really short and easy to explode thanks to the heat.

"Really? We used ours in our room" russia said.

Joe and J looked at him with an irritated look, "cause only seniors can use it? That's unfair" joe commented to which J agrees by nodding.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now