Answers Please 2.0 ( Canada )

952 39 65

[ oh boy, here we are now. We're here with Canada... ]

Canada:: HELLOOO!!!!!!

[ oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Buckle up, cause it's gonna get crazy, I read all the questions and ohhhhh boy ]

France:: Oh boy, indeed.

UK:: *sips tea*

[ Stop drinking tea UK, part of this is your fault, giving the world a crazy offspring. ]

UK:: *sips tea* *raised a brow*

[ Stop that or you'll drink coffee ]

UK:: Canada's personality depends and I cannot understand why it's such a big deal. This is a Q&A, Nothing matters other than the answers the characters give.

[ Okay, shut up, keep sipping that tea of yours, damn it ]

Canada:: I'm excited author! Where's my questions!!! Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

[ Calm your horses! Geezuz, here! *Slams paper on table* ]

[ First question for you ]

Canada:: AHHHH!! omgggggggggg

[ What an idiot ]

Canada:: of course I do! Try imagining yourself in my shoes! It's a hindrance, not just them, the others as well!

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Canada:: of course I do! Try imagining yourself in my shoes! It's a hindrance, not just them, the others as well!

NZ:: uhmm... We're right here.

Canada:: Not only that, they are annoying beyond annoying! Especially Ukraine! He kept reminding me about not hugging my maple syrup because it's "inappropriate" what kind of notion is that!?

NZ:: he just ignored me...

[ I'm sure Ukraine have many reasons why he did that ]

Canada:: Still! He must mind his own business! It's so annoying!!

[ A lot of readers ship you and him though ]

Canada:: I don't care, focus on this story author

[ *Pouts* ( but I kinda like it ) ]

[ Tch, what a party pooper ]

[ Anyways you done? ]

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