Chapter 3 : First Phone and First unknown number

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[ There'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~ ]


I yawned when I woke up feeling light

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I yawned when I woke up feeling light.

Sitting up from my bed, I glance over to my night stand where the lamp and incense that China gave me was now burned out.

Stretching my arms backward, I got up from bed and prepared for today.



"Morning" Spain came out of his room wearing boxers as he groggily makes his way to the kitchen.

"Should I help you make coffee?" I asked

hlHe shook his head and gesture me it's fine.

"Good morning" Joe greeted and like always wearing nothing underneath his bathrobe.

"Good morning, Joe" I greeted back with a smile.

Soon after; everyone started waking up one by one.

"I always wonder how you look energetic as always in the morning philipia" Spain asked while taking a sip from his coffee.

"I wake up early ever since I was young" I replied.

"I see" spain said and continued drinking.

"Morni'n" Russia greeted with the same bored expression as he came out of his room.

"Morning" everyone greeted him back.

Russia turns to look at me and I smiled at him, "good morning" I said.

He seems flustered and looked away, "so bright first thing in the morning sunshine" he pats my head and took a seat next to China.

He has a much darker bags under his eye than before, though I did noticed he was working on something last night too.

I must've disrupted his concentration, I should apologize later.



7 : 30 am



"Russia!" I called; he stopped his tracks as he was about to go to his room.

"Would you like to have lunch with us tomorrow?" I asked.

Russia scratched the back of his neck, "sure, why not?" he smiled.

Thank goodness...

"It's much better to eat with everyone" I fiddled with my thumbs.

He chuckled and nodded "meet me at the back west building, it's a good spot" he said and went to his room.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now