Chapter 20 : Naive

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[Oh wow double update! I feel really bad for not updating the specific date I'm suppose to publish, I hope you all forgive meeeeeee!π^π]



I knew for one week, I'll suffer, I knew I'll face consequences for being the loser and I knew I'll follow what he wants me to do.

But I didn't expect this.

"Hey have you done yours? My needle and the yarn are all tangled up"

Tethys sat next to me in a shop where they teach you how to knit, and currently Tethys is having trouble as he watch the lady that is teaching us demonstrate how to make a scarf.

I don't know what to say anymore.

"Hook in, hook out, double in and hook out, and repeat" the lady said.

"Uhh... Hook in.. "

Ah, it tangled again. Tethys look devastated to start again.

Please tell me I'm not dreaming, I thought for sure he'll make me run errands or something or maybe make me beat someone or maybe something what bad people do. But like they said, don't judge a person without first knowing them, I guess he just have a bad way of giving first impression, I mean he did slap me and hang me from the roof.

"T-tethys are you sure you're having fun?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to do this"

His expression isn't what it used to be, he looks more normal and its scary in a good way.

"I see.. "

I sigh and just continue to knit my third batch of scarf, I'll make my friends some when winter comes, but its gonna be summer first then fall and finally winter, patience is a virtue brother greg would always say.

Anyways, Tethys would always ask to do some weird stuff that is unexpected.

Like on Tuesday he wanted to taste all my countries delicacies.

On Wednesday he wanted jump on the cliff where J almost jumped from.

Thursday he wanted to ride a shark and of course it never happened but it took half my energy to try and stop him.

Friday he wanted to take a shower with me and of course my friends stopped him before he could.

Saturday he slept on my bed with me and I wasn't able to get any sleep at all because he kept hugging and wrapping his hands around me.

Aren't I suppose to be his slave? I think I'm more of his buddy or friend. Maybe he used it as an excuse then? But I'm okay with it anyways, this is much better.



I was startled to see him knocking and shouting at my window.

"Tethys! its dangerous!" I said and quickly opened my window so he can get in, but he doesn't even look scared.
"I saw a lake on the way let's have a midnight swim!"

"Its late" I said.

He raised an eyebrow and looks at me intensely.

"O-okay.. Its the last day anyways"

"I still have one more tomorrow"

"Its already 12 am which means its already Sunday"

He scoffs and pulls me out of the room ignoring my statement.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now