Chapter 43 : Euphoria

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[From now on, blame my editor If there's still typos and Grammatical errors uwuwuwuwuw]



"Mr. America! Please! You can't go back yet" he said. I continued ignoring my secretary; D.C while I ran back and forth to my luggage and to my wardrobe.

Grabbing every piece of clothes I could get my hands on, throwing them in, not even bothering to fold them neatly and organize them. My mother would scold me over if she ever saw this.

It's been too long; I've had enough of this house, I can't breathe nor move freely in here! It's suffocating and just irritating. I came back to fix the issue with Iran and it's not done yet but Pangaea already called me back and I just had to follow because, fuck this house.

"Mr. America!" D.C called again. His voice began to irritate me, so I decided to turn around and face him,

"Pangaea is stronger and more powerful than my father," I reasoned, "and if I deny the email they sent to me, I should start fearing for my life, right?" I smiled, the rant making me quite happy and that excuse is the most acceptable one because it's true.

D.C blinked, he was probably shocked that for once I decided to address the issue; and that for once, I actually made logical sense to him, "But... but sir..."

I hushed him down, "D.C relax, Iran is also busy anyways." I said and closed my bag before taking my phone and other important things, "And besides, fuck this place."

"But sir!" D.C continued to ramble, "You can't just leave immediately, the email that Pangaea sent, I'm sure they'll allow you to stay until tomorrow then you can go back, not like this sir. You still have appointments, meetings and Miss Phila asked for a date!"

I halted and turn to him with furrowed eyebrows. Philipia? He knows her? She asked for a date?

"What? You mean, Phila? The Country Leader from Philippines?" I asked, making sure it wasn't some other bimbo he was talking about.

He shakes his head as he composed himself, "it's Miss Philadelphia, she asked to meet up with you and have a short date, didn't she?"

I raised a brow, "Tell her no, and I don't care, I'm going back whether you like it or not, adieu" I said and turn to the door, closing it behind me. D.C was about to go on another ramble, but the door quickly shut him up.

When I got out, Father and Mexico were already outside approaching my room. I rolled my eyes and continued to go out, walking in a fast pace and hoping he'll leave me alone. But of course, I was wrong.

"America, where are you going?" My father asked, stopping me from my pace.

"Anywhere but here." I replied. Biting my lip, holding myself back from saying anymore.

"But amigo, you still have meetings today." Mexico added.

"Thank you, sir Mexico, I have been telling him that" a voice stated from my room, D.C, the stubborn bugger wouldn't give up. Seriously, just let me go, aren't they supposedly be happy that I wanna go back to school? Isn't that what they wanted me to do from when I was a boy?

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Father asked. Folding his hands in front of him.

"What do you care? My country, my rules, now, goodbye and I'll see you next year" I happily said before hopping out of the hall and out the house. Luckily, they said nothing.

I went to the landing area and my helicopter was already there, and someone from Pangaea was standing beside it, bowing as he saw me. "Nice to meet you, Pangaea captain." I said, patting his shoulder as he bows and hopped on the helicopter as well.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now