Answers Please 2.0 ( Israel )

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[ anddd we're back after that long ass ads ]

[ You guys enjoyed it? Cause I don't, it's a freaking pain and a hindrance. Like Nani the fuck ]

[ Anyways, let us continue our Q&A with our not so holy Land Israel! ]

[ Say hi, Israel ]

Israel:: They already know I'm here though.

[ But still, say hi, don't be rude ]

Israel:: Okay, okay.

Israel:: Hello everyone.

[ woW, SO muCh EnERgY! ]

Israel:: I know right?

[ No it wasn't!! *Sighs in Bible* nevermind, let's just start mkay? ]

Israel:: Sure.

[ *Checks lots of characters to ask* well fook meh ]

[ Ehem! First question for you Israel! ]

[ Ehem! First question for you Israel! ]

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Israel:: oh shoot, uhh. Well uhh, I don't know. Angeline?

Germany:: A commoners name, really?

Israel:: Ain't a country or anything but I like that name okay?! So suck it up your arsenal germs.

Germany:: Forgive him, holy goddess for he has sinned.

Israel:: ugh, look I don't know. I don't even think about those stuff yet, I respect angel. End of story. Now, next question.

[ Coming right up ]

[ Coming right up ]

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