Answers Please 2.0 ( harem [4] )

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[ Whoopppp whoopppp am almost there everyone! I'm so ha-- ]

Tethys:: Is it starting yet?

[ Rude, you just cut off my introduction, you're supposed to speak later once I'm done ]

Tethys:: Oh, so it's starting. From the top then.

[ Nevermind it, I'll just get to the point ]

[ Anyways, welcome guys. And sorry if tethys here was such a dick ]

[ Some people have no patience whatsoever ]

[ Setting the bullshits aside, I hope you enjoyed the last chapters where we asked the rice gang, angel harem or goddess harem was it-- Along with the British family ]

[ I didn't include Mrs. France there ( the female one ) cause it's a harem chapter and she certainly isn't part of the harem ]

[ Get my point? ]

[ Anyways, let's start ]

[ First, we'll introduce our characters ]

[ And the first character is our sociopathic, manipulative sunavabitch; Tethys ]

Tethys:: You created me.

[ Of course I did and I love you. ]

Tethys:: Of course, you have to. Anyways, hello readers. *Throws mask* give it back after the chapters.

[ Uhhh, ohhkay ]

[ Next is our, sweet little liar; Vietnam! ]

Vietnam:: Hello everyoneeeee~ also, I don't lie... All the time!

[ Of course. Of course you don't ]

[ Third is our loyal Scottish fwend; SCOTLANDDD!! ]

Scotland:: FREEDOOM!!!

Ireland:: FREEDOMMM!!!

[ And of course our friend with 5% alcohol in his bloodstream; Ireland ]

Ireland:: It's a way of every Irish.

[ Yeah, sure. ]

[ Lastly, our not so known and not so mentioned character-- ]

Arabia:: Now that's mean.

[ --ARABIA!!! ]

Arabia:: Hello. Also, I'm not so mentioned because I don't plan to join the harem.

[ *The author* Uh huhh ]

[ I mean... I can put you-- ]

Arabia:: I don't want to.

[ -- sureee ( Lenny face ) ]

[ Anyways, these are the motherfuc** we'll be asking in the next chapter ]

[ See ya there! ]












>>> Answers Please 2.0 ( Tethys )

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