Chapter 34 : Meet Red

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[Some of you guys gets confused as to who's POV it is. So Imma put the name so that it could be clear for you guys and be aware as well that I use " •••• " these, meaning it changed POV. And I use " °°°° " like some sort of time skip. ]

[Anyways hope it will make it clear]

[Btw, that's china at the picture]

[Watch out for typos, kay?]


"You look so sad philipia"

"I do?"

"Yeah, you don't just look sad, but you feel sad too"

"I can never hide anything from you right, red?"

"And I don't want you to hide anything from me"

"Do I even have a choice?"

"No, though I'm never giving you a choice, I promised didn't I? That I'll protect you no matter what"

"You don't have to go that far just to protect me"

"But I want to.. "

"Okay but, don't kill anyone out of anything, okay?"

"Like I said, I'm not giving you a choice, I'll do what I want to protect you"

"I'm not that weak.. "

"No, you're strong, the strongest person I've ever met"

"Then, no need to kill!"

"This conversation will go round and round and my answer will still be the same"

"But let me handle the things that I know I can handle.. Please?"

"Okay, but once I know you can't anymore.. I'll come out.. "

"Okay.. "

"If only I have my own body, then I can protect you wherever you go"

"Don't you like being one with me? If we're one we can never be seperated"

"Of course I like being one with you, but I want my own body too.. I wonder why I didn't have one? I just woke up one day and I can hear and feel your emotions and thoughts, I can only come out whenever you feel like you're in danger.. Though I know I'm not suppose to be in your body"

"Some things just happen without us knowing"

"I know, but I can't help but feel like I was supposed to have my own body.. "

"I'm sorry you're stuck with me"

"What are you talking about? I love being stuck with you"

"I knew you'd say that"

"And I mean it, I'm just saying that I shouldn't be in your body cause I feel like I shouldn't have that body"

"Huh? I'm confuse"

"I'm saying, that I must be the opposite of you, if I ever had a body"

"Opposite of me?"

"Whenever I come out and take control, I know I shouldn't have those things"

"My breast?"

"Yeah, I know I shouldn't have a breast"

"You're basically saying that, you were supposedly a man"

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now