Chapter 36 : Scarlet

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[There'll be grammatical errors, typos and mistakes. Keep an open mind]



R e d

I sat before the full body mirror and stare at my reflection, well. More like philipia's reflection.

"Are you okay philipia?" I ask.

Whenever I talk to philipia, I always face the mirror, it makes me think that the person that I see is really philipia and not me inside her body.

"It's been a week now and the marks on your right arm is still there but, if you ask me, it's almost 88% complete"

There was no answer, usually I would hear parts of her voice speaking to me but right now, she's completely quiet.

"Martial texted that he's gonna meet up with you today"

Again, no answer. Even if I close my eyes and showing my marks to sharpen my senses. I really can't hear her voice.

Suddenly, tears started to fall.

I didn't feel like crying at all, and these aren't my tears, it's hers. It's like when you hit your knee and your leg would involuntarily react without you moving it. That's how I feel right now..
With a straight face, my eyes were producing fat tears and it kept falling and falling and falling..

"Philipia.. "

I took the box of tissue and placed it underneath her eyes as tears still kept falling and the tissue was already soaked.

"No need to cry, I'm here..." I said.

The tears begun to slowed down and subsided. "Rest okay? I'll handle martial, he doesn't scare me anyways"
It's true, that martial guy doesn't scare me and I don't like philipia getting close to him either. There's something about him that I don't like, the way he treats her is not how a brother should treat their sibling, Greg was more suitable to be a brother than martial even if he's an asshole he still cared for philipia as his little sister.

"I'll take care of it"

I stood up and glance at myself one more time before leaving. I was wearing a thin fabric of sweater and pants, I sigh and leaned up close to the mirror placing my forehead agaisnt it "I love you philipia, you know that right?..I love you so much that I'll protect you at all cost"

After that, I took my small bag and headed outside.

"I'm going"





Martial decided to meet up with me at a beach and he sent me the location through the phone. Pangaea has a lot of beaches and he had to choose the one that's rarely used by people, for short, it's an isolated beach.

"Ugh, this sucks.. Everything suck, martial sucks, the ocean sucks,tge seagulls suck, and even this stupid shell sucks" I groaned, why do I feel like having a tantrum?

I stand by the shore and wait for martial, I hate waiting but I have to.

Being here feels weird. Usually I only get to go to the beach when philipia wants to talk to me. Like that one time when her mother died.. She was really scared and sad. But at least, she's okay now because I'm here..

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now