Answers Please 2.0 ( Germany )

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[ The one you've all been waiting for ]

[ Germany ]

Germany:: I am ready, I have prayed 10 times today. And later I will pray 10 times again. The goddess has gave me a blessing and protection for today. Amen.

Israel:: Amen indeed, see the shit we have to go through everyday?

[ aye, I see it. ]

[ but Germany, is Germany, and we can't do anything about it. ]

[ you ready though, Germany? For your questions I mean ]

Germany:: Yes author.

[ cool, cool. Okay, here's your first question ]

Germany:: I am aware of her condition, the vessel she chose must have been abused

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Germany:: I am aware of her condition, the vessel she chose must have been abused. So she went to that vessels and saved it! Ahhh, goddess. Your kindness can not be leveled.

Israel:: Ugh.

Malaysia:: We're used to this ^^

Indonesia:: I mean, he does have a point but yeah. We're used to it.

Brunei:: But sometimes it's just overwhelming, like that one time he carved Philip from a chocolate.

Malaysia:: HAHAHAHA! I remember that! That was on the Valentine special chapter.

[ unfortunately I couldn't publish it cause valentines was already over and it was overdue and I was still doing shit and it was too much smut in it. ]

[ I think it didn't fit well, I guess? ]

Israel:: Yeah, cause everyone got laid there.

[ that's why I didn't. And that story was mostly mauve taking over ]

Indonesia:: It was such a waste to just leave it in draft though. But, we can understand.

[ thanks π°π ]

[ oh, you can answer the other question Germany ]

Germany:: But I did. In the last chapters I did, I told them who I dated before.

Israel:: Maybe they want a name.

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