Answers Please (2)

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Yusssss, anazawan again. This time its gonna be america, japan, Tokyo and china!

*Uhm testing, testing....

*haluuu everybutty it's mehh G.D back again with another interview with our characters!

*Tonight I'm joined by Joe!

Joe: hello everyone, you looking lovely as always!

*and Japan

J: minna! J-desu!

*Tokyo too, sister of japan.

Tokyo: where is Spain?!

*ehem! And lastly china~

China: Greetings

*I can tell that you guys are excited to know their answers and you countries and city, must! Answer truthfully and please tell the truth and nothing but the truth and don't be annoying like martial and Greg, almost had a headache.

Tokyo: cause you deserve it *sticks out tongue* Blehhh!

*uh huh whatever. Anyways let us start with america a.k.a joe!

Joe: I expect many questions about me I mean I am rather mysterious and it is so hot emerite?

*errrr I dunno you only have two questions.


J: *snorted*I'm sure more will come joe, cheer up.

Tokyo: hahah! Loserrr!!

China: keep it down, its so annoying.

*anyways here are one of the questions, question one by TheWingedAssassin

*anyways here are one of the questions, question one by TheWingedAssassin

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Joe: I knew it, I knew its gonna be one of the questions. Okay first of all I don't wanna mention her name or will I ever want to mention her ever again, period.

J:ohhhh~~ secrets!!!

*okay, I can respect that but you should know that you all swore an oath.

Joe: no way! I'll only give a hint, she's a state

China: interesting

Tokyo: What's a state? Is it like a village or town? A commoner?

J: shut it Tokyo! You're too smart to know it

Tokyo: ugh, obviously! Hmp!

*moving on. Last question for you joe by CreamChix

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