Chapter 29 : Mandela Effect

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[I miss Philippines so much Π^Π especially the taho >\\<]



They all stood there wearing the same expression.

Shock, happy, and relieved.

"You're back sunshine.. "

I smiled, "yes, I'm back I'm sorry I caused you all a lot of trouble"

Suddenly, they all gave me a huge hug that I returned.

"Philipia! What took you so long?!" J exclaimed.

I chuckled as I scratch my cheek, "well uhh, if I knew the kick of the kids ball would bring it all back, I would've done it sooner" I said.

They all looked over to Spain for a better explanation.

"For short, her memories came back because she was hit by the same ball you guys used to her but stronger, and it was from a kid, strong kick if I say so myself" spain explained.

"Well, all is well now" russia sighed in relief.

I look around and saw China at the back looking down with a bandage wrapped around his head.

I smiled and walks up to him, "philipia.."

"I forgive you China, I know you didn't do it, I trust you" I said.

China relaxes his face and nodded, "thank god someone trusts me.. For once" he muttered the last part as he hides his face with his hand.

"Oh uhm, can I borrow a phone? I lost mine I think"

"Oh sure" China fishes out his phone and gave it to me and I begun to dial brothers number.

There was a very, very long ring before he hang up. "Rude" I said.

"Probably because he thinks it's me calling" China said.

Joe, J and south snorted, holding back their laughter.

"How childish" north said to them.

I shake my head and dialed again, and of course he didn't pick up.

"Oh, I think I know why" I said.

"Why?" Russia asked as he sat down on the sofa and drank his glass of vodka that Hanoi poured for him.

"When brother is stressed he does erotic stuff with other women" I said.

"Huh?" Joe and J both said in unison.

"He's probably stressed because of me being missing" I laughed and dialed the again.

"I didn't know that" spain said.

Once again, brother is ignoring the call. "Only, me and mark knows that habit of his"

"Don't you think it's weird?"  Russia asked.

I shake my head as I dialed again. "I don't think so? I mean it is normal for a man to have urges and I think it's good for his health and his sperm control, too much sperm building up in a mans body isn't good afterall so you must release it every now and then" I explained and the call was dropped again.

"You know all those stuff yet you don't know what cum is?!" Russia exclaimed.

I look at him and tilted my head "cum?"

"Sorry.. Forget it sunshine, I beg" russia said in a depress tone.

"You don't even know what porn is too" south giggled.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now