Chapter 1 : Blue and Red

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[ There'll be grammatical errors and typos ]

[ Enjoy ~ ]


"Hmm, I think this is it" I mumble to myself as I look down at the small note where the name of my section was written

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"Hmm, I think this is it" I mumble to myself as I look down at the small note where the name of my section was written.

I look up at the board and it says.


P stands for Pangaea. And I guess this is the 3rd room.

Explains a lot why; I sigh and folded the little note neatly and placed it back inside my bag.

"Okay, I can do this..."

I took a deep breath and hopefully I'll be able to give a good impression.

I encouraged myself and stepped closer to the door– already holding the handle, it suddenly twisted and opened.

"Ah!" It startled me and so was the person who opened it first.

His eyes went wide, "o-oh.. Sorry" he said.

It was China; currently, my country and his are partners but, there's been problems with the partnership so its very awkward for me and him.

He scratches the back of his head and smiled "go ahead, sorry for startling you" he said and left nervously.

I wonder where he's going...

I want to talk to him since he's the first person and the only person I'm close with for now...

I shake the thought and peeked inside the room that he left open.

It gave me a good opportunity to peek without them looking at my way.

Since they know china was the one who left , they didn't give much of an attention and just did their own business.

The room is packed.

My heart is beating so hard, this is like where all the countries are, unlike back home; I'm comfortable to go in the first day of school.

But here, different perspective, different beliefs and different languages.

It's all too much, it's overwhelming.

But I can't give up, I have to get used to this starting today...

I took another deep breath and opened the door slightly, hoping they wouldn't notice me entering.

But when a female enters inside a male dominated school.

Chances of not getting noticed is zero.

They all turned their heads to my direction and the whole room went silent.

It'sts like they saw a ghost and I stood there shaking and sweating cold sweat.

I bring my closed hands to my chest and looked for a seat, and the only seat available with no bag or anyone sitting is the one at the front.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now