Answers Please 2.0 ( harem [2] )

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[ Well, well, well. What an awkward situation, here we are again for another chapter of another bullcrap of questions and answers ]

[ Just kidding. Dang, that was tiring. This must be the first time I ever updated sooooo many chapters in one day and one hour ]

[ I had to keep viewing the chapters again and again to make sure there were no error or anything wrong, especially with the pictures ]

[ The part of kati's chapter, when I tried to publish it and it won't? And it kept showing me this thing like "there was a problem with this part of the story" ]

[ And it brought me to the story revision. And omg I almost flipped when I saw that the pictures were no longer there. And I kennet take it, I had to like exit Wattpad without saving cause idfc ]

[ And I came back and sweet baby Jesus, it returned cause if I was gonna do it alllll over again, I'm gonna flip. Like literally!!! ]

[ Anyways!! What matters is I published all of them safely, like how I delivered a baby safely and healthy ]

[ Although there are still parts with errors and typos and a bunch of edits. But, you guys seem to like it and that's what matters. But I'll still edit and fix it okay? Calm down ]

[ Although sometimes I couldn't edit a specific part because you guys highlighted it and commented on it, and I loved your comments so I just leave it be. And besides, you guys are smart enough to read through typos... Right? ]

[ Alright! Now that is settled and explained. Let's get right into the shits aye? ]

[ First off! Lemme introduce you the characters we'll be asking today!! ]

[ First! We have our members of the rice gang: Indonesia and Malaysia!!! ]

Malaysia:: HEEELLLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Indonesia:: AWWWWUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!

Malaysia:: AWWWWUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!

[ That's the energetic introduction I've been looking for!!! ]

Brunei:: Quiet down!

[ Of course we can't forget our lovable yet possessive: brumbrumm!!! ]

Brunei:: I have a name.

[ Do you? Now? Hahahah! My bad, my bad ]

[ And of course the person we all been waiting for, our religious, worshipping idiotic devotee: Germany! ]

Germany:: Idiotic? What do you mean?

[ And last but not the least, no he isn't, the holy Land himself:: Israel! ]

Israel:: Heyy, good day everyone. This is a first for me.

Malaysia:: that's because on the first answers please chapters and questions please chapters, you guys were still not introduced.

Indonesia:: There were questions for us before but, not as many as it is now. There were like, 5 or more I guess?

Brunei:: You don't have to comfort us. It's fine.

Indonesia:: oh I'm not, I'm rubbing it on your face so you'll get jealous.

Brunei:: No dinner for both of you!

Malaysia:: I didn't say anything!

Indonesia:: I can cook my own dinner, thank you very much.

[ We haven't even started yet and you guys are already fighting? Geez, can't I have a single chapter where there are characters that doesn't fight? ]

[ Oh shit, what more on book 2? I added a bunch of characters... ]

[ I have dug my own grave... ]

[ Ahh well, I'll take responsibility ]

[ Anyways! The first person we'll ask today is our Milo loving idiot, Malaysia~ ]

Malaysia:: Yay! I'm first!

[ On the next chapters! ]












>>> Answers Please 2.0 ( Malaysia )

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now