Chapter 42 : Hiraeth

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[blame my editor if you still see grammatical errors and typos lolololz]



What does it take to fall in love with someone? How do you know you've fallen in love? What would it feel like? Will time stand still, like they always say? Will their smiles blind you like the sun? Will their voice be the only one you'll hear? Will their touch electrify you?

This feeling is like a whole new world for me,; I'm lost and so confused, I'm drowning and sinking deeper into the abyss, to the point I can no longer see the light..

"Perla! Come inside now, Cavite come join us for lunch!"

Perla, also known as the most beautiful girl in the island. Even as a child, many people find her attractive. I wonder what she'll look like when she's all grown up?

"Yes mama! Come Cavite!" Perla said, running inside, her dress fluttering, her flower crown and ribbon flowing.

She ran all the way to her house, with her bestfriend Cavite to eat their lunch, whilst I'm here hiding behind a tree not far from where their house is, spying and watching them like a creep, father forgive me.

But now that Perla has gone back inside, I better get back to my house and continue training or father will certainly kill me if I'm gone for too long.

Walking back, I saw Katipunan; throwing shells at the beach. He only ever does that when he's thinking of something difficult, which means...

"So you decided to help the shells get back to the sea rather than become the next country leader?" I asked, standing next to him, the ocean breeze roaring in my ears.

"What do you want?" He asked sternly, not looking my way, as he cupped another shell and threw it across the water.

"Oh nothing, just checking up on my brother" I said, and I meant it.

He scoffed, throwing another shell across the water, bouncing on the surface fifteen more times before sinking.

I whistled in awe, "nice throw" I said.

Kati glared at me, before he sighed and sat down on the sand while mumbling to himself; I think I caught the word "tang-ina" in there.

"Is it papa? Did he pressure you again?" I asked, looking at him. His eyes looked distant. Kati didn't answer, he continue to mumble under his breath and took a small twig and drew... whatever that is.

"Speak up, already" I demanded to him, but he just got angrier.

"It's really nothing!" He insisted, clicking his mouth and his eyes squinting into the sand.

This side of kati is really rare to provoke, but when it does, it will last the whole day.

"Alright, I'll leave you here for now, and I'll co--" I began to say, but a voice cut me off.

"Cavite! Over here!" A familiar voice from behind me said.

I immediately whip my head back to the owner of that cute voice. It was Perla running around at the beach with Cavite chasing after her while carrying a ball made of rattan leaves.

"Pass it here!" She yelled as she raised her hand and Cavite kicks it to her, effortlessly receiving it.

I look back to Kati who tried to ignore them, but obviously grew annoyed from the noise.

"Hey, these are your people; don't get mad at them because they're playing at a public place" I warned and he bite his lower lip and continue to beat the sand with his twig, with a lot more passion.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now