Chapter 49 : It's Near.

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[ Still blame me, you're almost there everyone, ganbare~ ]

[ Enjoy~~ ]




Location: Unknown. Time: 9:45 pm.
Date: XX/XX/20XX



Voice message from ; Canada...

{ Maple syrup, philipia, it's me Canada, how are you? I hope you're doing good. Everything is so quiet, it's eerie. Hehehe~ I'll come tomorrow ^\\^ }

End of voice message.




Voice message from ; New Zealand.

{ He's on the move, don't worry, me and Australia are doing something about it~ Take care of yourself~ Australia says hi, he can't come on to the phone yet cause he's busy with paperwork's, kola says hi too. Come on, say hi kola...}

{ inaudible }

{ I miss you so much, I'll visit tomorrow ~ wait for me ~ }

End of voice message




Voice message from ; Russia.

{ Sunshine, I know you're listening, I know you're there. Come back, it's too quiet, it's too dark, it's too cold. Please, I know you're stil-- ... Disconnected...}

End of voice message.




Voice message from ; Vietnam.

{ Hello lotus, did you receive my email? All the things you need is listed there, I also had Ireland as my spy, you're right, he's really useful. Anyways, take care of yourself, for now we'll take care of this........ oh, I have to go. Rest well, I love you }

End of voice message.




Voice message from Malaysia.

{ Philipia, it's Malaysia and Indonesia, err...but Indonesia is busy with something, hey! What are you doing exactly? I'm sending philipia a voice message say something! }

{ Inaudible....loading.... }

{ ....loading....connecting.....89%..... }

{ 100%.....-- HAHAHAH! so stupid, you heard that philipia? Indonesia is so stupid, geez! HAHAHAHHA, erm okay. I just want to know if you've eaten already or something, don't force your body, after all, you've drank th--- ......loading.....loading...... }

{ message has been cut off }

End of voice message.




Voice message from ; Germany.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now