Chapter 40 : Butterfly Effect

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[There will be grammatical errors and typos]



My breathing was rapid, as if I was being chased by, by someone.

But that someone behind me, I'm holding their wrist. It feels so cold, wet and weak..

"Just a little more, please ---"

I look back to see this person.

They were dirty, covered in mud, their left leg had bandages that is already stained in dried blood and their running while limping.

"Leave me philipia!" They said between their heavy breathing.

I shake my head and continued to run, what are we running away from? What is it? Who is it?..

Why is the surrounding so realistic? It looks like we're in a jungle, a forest? So many trees, so many tall trees, grass and nature..

My whole body was shivering too, my clothes are drenching wet.

I look up to see the sky was covered with gray clouds.

Rain, it was raining, heavily.

Why, why, why? I feel so scared, terrified and my survival instincts are at their limit.

Something isn't right, something...really isn't right..

"Come to me, philipia..."


"Ahh!" I jolted wide awake and begun to panic as I stood up and realize, I was all alone. Alone in the library of Pangaea academy.

I was sweating beads from my forehead down to my chin. I blinked a few times to tell myself that I'm safe and okay and that I'll never get hurt.

But my hands were shaking, my body was ice cold. I stayed like that for the next 2 minutes before I jolted again from the vibration of the wood from my phone.

"Oh dear me.." I took a deep breath in and deep breath out before answering the call from someone who I didn't even check.

I cleared my throat first before speaking, "h-hello?"

"Phil! Where are you?"

It was brunei's voice.

"Oh uhm, I'm at the library, reviewing my latest lessons"

"What? You just got back! WE just got back, philipia we just arrived today! Literally today and the first thing you do is go to the library to review the lessons you had before you forget? Are you serious?"

I nodded even though he couldn't see it, I placed my phone between my left shoulder and left ear while both hands pack my books and notebooks.

"Yes, and I already finished unpacking my stuff earlier anyways, I came much early than you guys" I replied.

I hear Brunei sigh.

"Alright, fine. But seriously, come back now, Malaysia and Japan brought a bunch of good wines and alcohols here, we could make a celebratory dinner since we're all back in this hell"

"Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes"


After that, I hanged up and sat back down again, processing what happened earlier before the call.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now