Chapter 23 : Bittersweet Goodbye

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Its been a month now. And I still heard nothing from UK, I'm starting to think that miss France asked him not to leave anymore. That's good, I mean I can finally move on..

Yet why does my heart ache so much? It hurts so much it feels like my chest is about to burst.

Hang in there perla, you're a strong woman.. You're strong..

Oh no..


I look up to see UK, a smile plastered on his face, does he know? Or is he just playing it safe for now?

He runs up to me and hugged me as he spin me around.

"I missed you! Perla.. My perla" he muttered.

I couldn't help but feel, filled. My heart is filled, my soul is filled, my mind is working again.

Maybe I could just have him secretly?

"If you still continue to be with him, expect a war coming in your way.. "

I quickly snapped out of it and composed myself.

No perla, you must do what is right, you mustn't give in to your feelings, you'll regret everything in the end if you do, war and death will come if you do. Set your feelings aside perla, its only..

A temporary.. Feeling..

"UK" I smiled as I touch his face, I get to see his face again. How much I want time to stop and just let this moment last forever.

But I know I can't.

"My love.. I'm sorry I made you wait long" he said as he holds my hand that is on his cheek.

"Its okay.. " I replied.

"I'm sure you've missed me, didn't you?" He winked.

I giggled and nodded, "so much to the point I can't sleep.. "

We both laughed.

"How was everything here? If you ask about mine it isn't good, lots of problems too, I'm so tired" he groans and placed his head on my right shoulder.

I giggled and pat his head.

I have to do it now, cause I know it'll be harder next time.

"Uhm UK, can I talk to you?"

He gleams and nodded, "sure my love"

I smiled and cupped both his cheek as I stare at his face, how much I want to cherish this moment, I want to engrave this in my memory, I want to remember.

"My love, perla. Why do you smile with sad eyes? It does not suit your usual cheerful self" he said.

"I just missed you.. "

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now