Answers Please (5)

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Why Arabia has no questions? Arabia is sad π^π

*hello guys another one and we are on part 5! I'm surprised you guys are still reading this hueheuheue.

*anyways tonight we'll be joined by Canada!

Canada: hahah! Hello! I appreciate the heart warming greetings!

*next we have France senpaiii!

France: what is a senpai?

*And Arabia!

Arabia: I thought I didn't have any ques--

*MOVING ON! YOU HAVE A QUESTION! that's why don't be so down Arab!! Hahahha

Arabia: I am.. Not?

*alright! First question for canada!

Canada: please be kind

*we have question one by Nelly_Chan143

Canada: oh that? Uhm I'm feeling better, I always read the letter philipia gave me, though I didn't want to keep touching the paper cause the scent will go away so I took a picture and scanned it and I saved it in my computer and my phone and I pr...

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Canada: oh that? Uhm I'm feeling better, I always read the letter philipia gave me, though I didn't want to keep touching the paper cause the scent will go away so I took a picture and scanned it and I saved it in my computer and my phone and I printed it and I placed it on a picture frame and I have a backup reset just in case it was deleted, oh! And the safe I used is very, highly well made box that only me can open it, and even mother nature can't open it and there are invisible lasers inside in case it was opened by force and if it did it'll turn the alarm and it'll shoot a dart on anyone who did..



Arabia: what did he said? Letter what?

*m-moving on.. Question two by Scarfers well its not really a question.

Canada: oh yes please! Put lots of syrup please, I wanna draw philipia's flag on it!~

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Canada: oh yes please! Put lots of syrup please, I wanna draw philipia's flag on it!~


Arabia: can I have one?

*welp, that is all for canada

*next is for France! Hmm, you have the same name as miss France does, why though?

France: I ask that question to myself everyday. And I also cannot answer.


*anyways here is a question for you by SynthiaMidnight_Wolf

*anyways here is a question for you by SynthiaMidnight_Wolf

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France: Rejected

*but you can't reject a question

France: rejected!!

Canada: m-me and philipia? *blushes* I've d-dreamt it before!

France: Next one, please..

Arabia: it's right there, see? It reads "do you--

France: *slams table* I can read arab!

Arabia: chill! I've never seen you like this..

France: now! Hmp.. Well, that is.. I like her as a friend.. Cause she made me food.. And.. Yeah

*uhhh huh..

*well, that is all for France, next is Arabia!

Arabia: I don't have o--

*question is! "What do you think of philipia?" It is by GodellinaDewdrop

Arabia: isn't that you?


Arabia: okay..? Uhmm I think of her as someone like a sister? I mean she's really nice.

France: *nods*

Canada: *nods*

Arabia: she's sweet and kind

France: *nods, nods*

Canada: *nods, nods, nods*

Arabia: and she's really innocent

France and canada: *nodding intensifies*


*that is all then! Thanks guys for sticking with us! byebiiii

France and canada: *still nodding*

Arabic: what is up with them?

Much love~

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