Chapter 39 : Anthophile

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[There are typos and grammatical errors keep an open mind]



"Are you sure you can do this sir?"


"But sir..this is a bit.."

"Mother won't be pleased.."

"This is too much sir"

"'s not enough..if it's not enough, mother won't talk to me.."

"Of course..praise be Ukraine"

"So this is snow"

I was crouched down on the ground as I stare at the white covered ground of the school.

Autumn ended rather fast and winter came after. It was my first time to see snow and I get to witness the first fall of it yesterday.

"I knew I'd find you here" soft, husky and deep voice spoke.

"Hello north"

I didn't face north since I already knew it was him, I was too busy mesmerizing the pure white snow on the ground and simply amazing it looks.

"You're busy"

I nodded while still glued to the snow.

North chuckled and crouched down besides me and wached the blank white snow with me.

"Is snow really that amazing?"

I nodded again, "for me it is, there's no snow in my country"

"Your country is a tropical place" he stated and I nodded once again.

We stayed there for a couple of minutes before we heard someone calling.

"There you are!"

I turn around to see Russia "Hello Russia" I greeted.

"Hey sunshine, I missed you" he grinned and I stood up.

"And I missed you too, russia" I smiled.

He grins even more and pats my head, "enjoying the snow?"

I nodded in excitement, "oh yes I do! It's so clean and white" I said.

Russia chuckled and pats my head again "I'm glad it does but, you have to wear more thick clothes sunshine, you don't want to get a cold, especially since your body isn't used to this climate yet"

Russia is so kind and understanding, I'm so glad I have a friend like him.

"Here" north fished something from his heavy winter coat and gave it to me. It was a cute looking gloves.

"I've had it made with the finest fabric my country have" he said.

I accepted it of course and smiled, "thank you north, my hand was been freezing for three hours now" I joked and wore it.

Russia, north and I went back to the dorm while the others are still at school, me and North would always bump into each other at the entrance for some reason. Even though he usually goes back home first or maybe go through the other entrance that is more closer to the dorm at the West wing of the building.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now