Chapter 44 : Dalliance

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[keep blaming him]



I inhaled deeply, and exhaled, letting the smoke fill my vision for a bit before it dispersed into nothingness. God only knows how long I've been here; might be days, weeks even. I need to get out of here and look for Philipia. I need my pearl, I need something to energize me.

Just as I finished taking the last puff, the door opened revealing my father; Mr. Spanish empire. Of course, even when I'm smoking, he comes to ruin it.

"Ahhhh greetings, bastardo." I said with a smug, leaning back.

"Hmm, I see you've remembered everything" he said, still with a poker face. Taking a seat at the corner of the room; he was observing my presence. What a cheeky bastard, what you up to, old man?

"I'm surprised you even came here" I said, throwing the cigarette butt on the floor, not even caring if it's a hospital.

"I came to see my old son: the Conqueror of All." He said, tilting his head at me.

I scoffed. That fucking nickname, that stupid fucking nickname. "Oh yeah? Now that you've seen your old son, you're free to leave." I said pointing to the door.

He looks at me dead in the eyes, no emotion - no affection or compassion for me. I'm just a tool for him to use. Like a gun aimed to his enemies.

Just then, the door opens, and it gets even worse.

"Greetings, Mr. Pangaea" father said, with a forced smile on his face. Mr. Pangaea didn't even bother to look at him and immediately went to my direction, looking down on me. I can feel the authority; the aura of a true, and great leader. I can't show him weakness or any sign that I'm even remotely intimidated by him, even though I was. Otherwise, he'd have utter confidence that he could crush me.

"Spain." his voice spoke my name - rich and deep - and usually when people do say it, I get irritated and disgusted that they think they're worthy of saying my name, let alone think about it. But now, the man before me, said it and I felt small.

"You've come back" he said before turning around, bending a little. He picked up the cigarette butt that I just used before throwing it in a nearby bin. Each action he took felt heavy and with purpose.

"And you never changed, not even a single thing," He said, his voice filled with disappointment, "I'm starting to think that the erased Spain is more obedient, charming, and respectful, a persona of a real leader."

His eyes looked over me coldly - disregarding my efforts like I was some failed experiment. His gaze encompassed me in a jail of ice.

"We're both the same, I assure you. I just happen to remember all the important details." I explained, getting through it without even stuttering. That's a first. He hummed in response, as if he expected me to answer that.

"Mr. Spanish Empire," he called and my father immediately stood straight, jolting from his sudden voice.

"Y-yes?" He replied, stuttering, can you imagine that? As much as the bastard scared me; this is one of the reasons why I like Mr. Pangaea, he can make the most arrogant and most prideful person stutter and kneel with just his voice and gaze.

"I'll take your son next week, and this time, the effect will be stronger and more painful." he said.

My father nodded like an obedient circus dog. I would've paid a thousand dollars every day to see that sight.

"Of course, I'll make sure he'll come." he answered.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as Mr. Pangaea finally left, leaving me and my father alone in this stupid room. Silence filled the atmosphere and a tension that was heavy and thick.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now