Chapter 33 : Kiss of Judas

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[Art by meh ↑]

[Watch out for typos. This is a long one]

[ The editing will end here,  once all chapters are edited,  this will be removed ]


The room was quiet, the students was quiet, and the teacher was quiet.

Everything was quiet except the scribbling of our pens, and the ticking of our clock.

"3 more minutes" the teacher broke that silence.

He hurriedly answer each and every question with so much pressure and a lot lf thinking..

And yes, we are currently having our exams.

And it's easier than I thought..





"Ahhhh shit!" Joe groaned as he stretch his arms backwards.

"How did you do joe?" I asked.

"Not good, I think. I still don't get the history of pangeae" he replied, feeling disappointed and defeated.

"I'm sure you did good joe" I reasurred to at least lift his spirits.

Joe smiled a little, "thanks philipia, I needed that" he seemed a little happier now, seeing my friends happy after such hardships fills me with energy.

Joe then leans back and takes something from his bag.

"Here" he said and gave me a rainbow handkerchief that is neatly folded.

My eyes sparkled, "oh wow! Joe, thank you!"

He grinned, "your welcome, I know it's a late souvenir but I know you'll accept it" he said.

I nodded, even though I already have what mama made me I'll still wear this. This handkerchief was hand-made by mama and it's very precious, me and my brothers would wear it everyday anywhere around our body. Brother would always wear it around his right arm, showing the flag of papa, whilst brother greg improvised it by mixing it in different colors and wore it around his wrist while I wear mine around my neck.

I wrapped the new one that joe gave me, around my wrist and held my arm to examine it.

"I love it"

Joe blushed, "I'm glad you liked it that much, it suits you"

We talked for a while and I can't help but feel like someone is watching me, more like someone is glaring at me..


I look to my right where south stood. "Hey south, how did you do in your exam?"

South gave me a finger heart, "good as always" he said with a huge ear to ear smile.

"That's great"

"Also" south leaned closer to my ear "Spain and J has been staring at you and I'm the one who's feeling uncomfortable.. "

I blinked a few times before looking over to spain and J.

J was leaning back on his chair while he wore his hoodie that shadows his eyes, and spain has his chin on his palm both were staring at me with such intense gaze.

I feel a shiver run through me.

"Well, I can understand since they probably hate me so much" I said, bringing my shoulders close to me and sulking down a little as I hide my nervous expression.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now