Chapter 47 : Chastity

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[ For now, blame me if there's grammatical errors and typos and everything wrong uwu π^π ]

[ Also, also~ I updated today to fill in the gaps of my absence, I feel really bad uwu~ ]

[ Enjoy~ ]


How does it feel. To give birth, mama?

Painful, but satisfying my little Perla.

Satisfying? Painful? Why?

Why? To know that you're carrying a life inside you, the responsibility to carry and deliver it to the world, that's what's satisfying.

But what happens if you failed to deliver it? You failed to carry it, not even longer than four weeks...

It doesn't make you a bad person. It's better if they go and be taken while it's early, you don't want to give birth to a child, where and while the world is in chaos, they'll suffer and feel the fear and pain. It's better if they are taken, where they are better and safe, right?

You're right...

Don't be sad, little Perla.

I'm not...

But why does tears fall from your pretty eyes?

Tears...I've been friends with these tears of mine since way before, up until my eyes burn... good for the soul. Don't keep it in.

Am I really not a bad person? A bad mother?'re not. You're not...shhh

I'm sorry...

Shhh...don't worry, don't worry...shhh, it'll feel good.


It'll feel good...






I jolted wide awake, breathing heavily in and out. My body trembles in fear, my fingertips numb, my heart beating fast, my forehead and back drenched in cold sweat.

What was that dream...why did I have a dream like that?

Holding my head, I flinched from the sudden pinch of pain.


I turn to my right to see Mexico sitting there with a worried expression. That expression, was the same expression he wore when we first met.

A mix of guilt and pity.

He stood up and went to the cabinet to get a towel before softly patting it on my forehead, "you were groaning and muttering while asleep, are you okay?" He asked.

I couldn't reply, I was still in a daze from the dream, it felt so real I feel like throwing up.

"Amor..." He called again, holding my trembling hand, "fear is in your eyes, what's making you feel so scared?" He leans close, still patting my forehead with the dry towel.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now