Chapter 35 : Aegis

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[There's gonna be a lot of mistakes. Keep an open mind okay?]



R e d

I sat on the soft sofa while Greg, philipia's older brother sat across me with his arms crossed. On his right, spain and america sits, on his left is where russia sits.

On the left side of the living room where a single sofa is, Japan sits, and across him which another single sofa is, south sits.

Everyone is seated and looking at me as if I'm some sort of Alien that just magically appeared before them.

"Red" Greg called.


"Where's pearl? Where's my sister? Is she okay? What happened to her?"

Which question should I answer first? This guy never changed.

"Philipia, she's somewhere in here" I pointed my head, "she's okay and she's not feeling any pain anymore"

After I said that, the marks appeared and on my right arm, the symbols were now half-way gone.

Suddenly, russia stood up with a worried expression, what's his deal? I don't like him one bit, that hat makes him suspicious..

"You.. Why aren't you feeling any..pain?" He asked.

"Whenever I come out, the birthmark becomes faded, so it doesn't hurt much" I answered.

"You mean, if you switch to philipia, the birthmark will be clear like before?" Japan asked.

I nodded, "indeed"

"I've heard cases like this before, only that was just a rumor, I didn't think it could be real" spain remarked.

"Well now it's no longer a rumor"

We sat there for another few minutes where they are rather skeptic and wary of me. I want to kill them right here right now but I'm sure philipia wouldn't agree, besides, she practically begged me not to. That's why I made such a mess in her room, I should clean it after this.

"Why didn't you.. Fight?" Greg hesitantly asked.

"Philipia will get mad"

He chuckled and looks down, forming a smile with his lips as he thinks about philipia, "of course, that's my sister" he muttered.

"Can she hear us?"

I almost forgot about this south guy.

"No, you can't, she can only hear me and I can only hear her"

"I see, but can you tell her that we're worried sick here? And that we'll be waiting for her return"

As if I would tell her that but, I can't deny it and he seems pretty nice towards philipia, though I'm not saying I like him either, he looks like that soda that philipia drank before.


Another minute of silence and another minute of them looking at me and it's America the only one who didn't task any question, he simply sat there looking at me through his sunglasses. It feels like they're thinking I might do something bad, but I already told them I won't cause that china guys isn't here yet, it's him I wanna kill, unfortunately, philipia said not to..

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now