Answers Please 2.0 ( Brunei )

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[ hey guys it's me, G.D your lovable author! ]

[ Today, we are here to ask sum juicy questions for brunei, are you excited? ]

Malaysia:: Yeahhh!!!!

Indonesia:: I'd like to see.

Israel:: Yikes, good luck Brunei.

Germany:: *praying intensely*

Brunei:: Is it a big deal if it's me? I don't even think I have that many questions.

[ Yep, not much. But maybe it's because you're still a new character, but don't worry. I have plans for you in book 2 ]

Indonesia:: If only you stop adding characters then maybe you can put your attention to us. So that we can have more screentime.

Israel:: Yeah, author. Especially me. All the attention is always at the "sunshine harem" It's overly popular what about us? The small group of "angel harem"

Germany:: Angel harem? That sounds so ugly. I prefer the "goddess harem"

Malaysia:: Whatttt???

Israel:: There you go again with your goddess shits. I really don't get why the readers love you-- hey author! Why? Tell me why?!

[ I don't know! Why are you asking me!? ]

Israel:: He's a freaking weirdo!

[ So? You call philipia angel, he calls philipia goddess, I think you're both weirdos here ]

Israel:: Unbelievable. *Slumps*

[ Ehem! Now that the childish argument is over. Let's get over to your questions Brunei ]

Brunei:: Okay.

[ First question for you ]

[ First question for you ]

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Brunei:: Yeah, before. I went to her country for "politics related"

Indonesia:: why do you have to qoute on that?

Brunei:: Cause I don't want you guys thinking something weird.

Indonesia:: Why would we? And what will we think about anyways?

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