Chapter 38 : Colorful Monochrome

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[There are typos and grammatical errors, keep an open mind]

[This is mostly New Zealand, Australia, Canada and joe's chapter and a bit shorter]



Mama once said that art is everywhere, everything we do, everything we say is art. And art doesn't just need one color, it's suppose to burst and explode with colorful colors, and when your imaginative enough you'll see the world on a whole different perspective.

Sadly, even death is art itself. The color of blood gushing out, so crimson and bright that it sparkle and reflect your eyes. The corpse itself is a permanent pose for an artist to make, a perfect sculpture and reference.

But what about the people who can't see the colors? What about the people who can only see one color? How can you spot one? How do you know?

"I'm sorry philipia.."

How do you know that one person can't see the colors of the world?

"Remember Marawi?"

Can you still help them?

"She's in critical condition in the hospital..her boyfriend stabbed her multiply times and even gauge her eyes out"

If they can't see the colors what do they see?

"Can I visit..her?"

I held on to the box of gift I got for her. It wasn't small nor big, but you can tell what it was indicating the shape of it.

"Of course"

I went to a room where my best friend lay almost lifeless, many cables and bandages wrapped and connected to her body.

She was unconscious of course, but she was alive, thank the stars she's alive.

She's alive but can no longer see, her beautiful Amber eyes that shine with life is gone. It was covered by a white bandage that is slightly stained with dry blood.

I held on to the gift even tighter, this is now useless if I give it to her, I'll only hurt her already hurt soul.

It's been 2 years after that incident and she's out of the hospital, except she can no longer see the colors of the world. She can no longer paint and express her emotions through brush and canvas, but she didn't give up.

She didn't let such a tragedy stop her dreams. Right now Marawi is getting better and everyday her smile gets brighter and brighter, like the sun itself.

"Philipia!" I turn around to see Canada walking towards me with joe besides him.

It's unusual to see Canada without France tailing behind him and I've never seen Canada nor joe walking together at all so this was a first for me.

"Good afternoon, Canada and joe" I greeted.

"Goooooddddd afternoon philipia! You're shining so brightly as usual!" Canada greeted back bursting with energy and he seems to be in a good mood.

"G'afternoon philipia, have you had your lunch?" Joe asked.

"Yes I did, I ate with Spain and J earlier, what about you? You disappeared almost instantly"

Joe chuckled, "I had to do some errands and I ate with big bro here if you're asking"

"Oh that's good" I smiled.

"Philipia! Philipia! What about me? Aren't you gonna ask if I ate?"

I giggled, "have you eaten Canada?"

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now