Answers Please (6)

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Whew, we've come a long way mahh readers.

*alrighty-ruu~~ another wan and this is part (6)!

*tonight I'll be joined by Malaysia, Indonesia! North and south Korea!

*greet our readers please

Malaysia: rice!

Indonesia: Riceeeeee!

South: oppa loves you all!!


*how fun! Welp, let's start then!

*first will be Malaysia!

Malaysia: I'm only mentioned once though, I didn't expect anyone to ask me haha

*Aww, don't look so down on yourself, you have one! It is by Nelly_Chan143

*Aww, don't look so down on yourself, you have one! It is by Nelly_Chan143

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Malaysia: I'm only mentioned once yet why? No!

Indonesia: lolz

SouthK: people are just curious what's wrong with it?

Malaysia: I'm an innocent person!

Indonesia: yeah right.

*hahah, welp I'll try and include you to the future chapters, everyone has a spotlight in my story, it is just hard to fit it in while not trying to stray the original plot.

NorthK: understandable, I'm mentioned once in a while and I was mentioned as a hungry animal for philipia..

*shut it.

*next question! It is from CreamChix

*next question! It is from CreamChix

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Malaysia: hmmm. Nuh uh, I have none, I can't think of anyone else except me, cause in the future chapters there is something interesting that will happen righttt author??

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