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Stella's POV

"Hello and Welcome to the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport drivers press conference." The team principal, Toto Wolff, says. "It gives me great pleasure to welcome our drivers today...Lewis Hamilton and Stella Maxwell"

Lewis and I come out from behind a curtain and sit down in front of the press corp, who are mumbling to each other.

"We will now take questions." Toto says and every hand in the room shoots up.

"What happened to Bottas?"

"Valtteri has been forced to retire due to a neurological issue."

"Why have you chosen Stella?"

"Stella has been on our radar for a while now and has done massive things in Formula 2 by winning the championship three times in a row." Toto says. "She's a fantastic driver who can help us win the constructors championship for years to come."

"Lewis what are your thoughts on the appointment of Stella as your teammate?"

"Stella is a great driver and she can help us to become an even better team." Lewis Hamilton, my new teammate, says

"Lewis do you two get along?"

"We get on really well."

"Stella you will be the first intersex and openly gay driver in Formula One." Some dude says. "Do you think that can bring a new audience to the sport?"

"I think the audience has always been there, but they have sadly been pushed to the wayside so hopefully more LGBTQ people will come to the races and not feel out of place or ostracized." I say.

"Stella you're very outspoken with your views." Some lady says. "Is that going to be a problem here?"

"No." I say. "I told Mercedes before I signed that I will speak my mind on any and everything and they are okay with that."

"There hasn't been a full time female driver in F1 since 1992."

"Is that a question?" I ask.

"Are you ready to be here?"

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

"Does it worry you that you are the only female on the grid?"

"My gender identity isn't relevant to what I do." I say. "Just like what's in your pants isn't relevant to what you do."

"Are you not afraid of being ostracized because you are not a man?"

"Or because you're biracial?" Some lady asks

"Are you not afraid of the backlash you will be subject to by asking that question?" Lewis interrupts and says then nods at me.

"The fact that I have boobs and the other drivers do not has never crossed my mind. I am out to be the best driver I can be and to help Mercedes win championships." I say. "I probably have a bigger package than most of the other drivers...and me being a woman of color doesn't matter"

"Are you going to be able to live in Lewis' shadow?"

"I was waiting for that question." I say and chuckle. "Look Lewis is the best driver around and anyway I can help him and this team win I will do it. Now do I want to lose? Of course not. I want to win every race, but I know that's not possible. There's to many good drivers in F1 and I know I'll have to fight for everything and I'm willing to do that."

"How is your new position with the team going to affect your daughter?"

I have a four year old little girl named Rayne.

I got drunk one night then woke up the next morning naked in some girls bed and 9 month's later Rayne popped out.

Rayne's other mother wanted nothing to do with her so I had her terminate her parental rights and I haven't heard from her since she signed the papers.

I named my daughter Rayne because the name Rayne means queen and she is my little queen and I will do everything in my power to make sure she is treated the way she deserves.

"My daughter is my highest priority in life so everything I do I always have her in mind." I say. "Before I signed on to Mercedes I told them that unless my daughter could come with me to every race I wouldn't sign...And well here we are." 

"Lewis do you mind Stella having a daughter at the track?"

"Not at all." Lewis says then smiles a little bit.

"MOMMY." I hear Rayne yell and then I see her come running toward the stage.

"Speaking of my daughter." I say with a smile.

I then walk over to the edge of the stage and pick up Rayne and we go sit back down.

"Hey babygirl." I say then kiss her head

"Hi Mommy." Rayne says. "Hi uncle Lewis."

"Hey Rayndrop" Lewis says and I smile at the nickname Lewis has for my daughter.

"Watcha been doin?" I ask.

"Playin with Lewis' doggies." Rayne says.

"Oh and how was that?"

"Roscoe was chasing his tail and then he got dizzy and then he fell onto Coco." Rayne says causing everyone to get a bit of a giggle.

"I see you're wearing my shirt." Lewis says and points to the shirt that has his name and face on it.

That's definitely not what she put on this morning. 

"Babygirl how could you?" I say in mock shock

"Sorry mommy." Rayne says playing along.

"You know what this means?"

"What mommy?"

"I owe you some tickles." I say then tickle my baby girls sides which causes her to burst into laughter.

"Mommy...stop...Uncle Lewis...Help." Rayne says between laughs. 

"Uncle Lewis to the rescue." Lewis says and takes Rayne from me.

"Stella where does your passion for racing come from?" Someone from the press asks.

"Her." I say and point to my babygirl who is playing with Lewis' necklaces. "I do what I do so she can be proud of me one day."

"What did your family say when you told them about your appointment to Mercedes?"

"They are very proud of me"

"Will they be at any races this year?" A press member asks and my face drops.

"One moment please." I say then look at Rayne. "Baby come here."

Rayne gets off of Lewis' lap and comes over and pulls herself onto mine.

"Hi Mommy."

"Hi Baby."

"How much longer?"

"A little while longer...Can you go sit with Ms. Susie while I finish this then we can go get some ice cream?"

"Okay Mama." Rayne says and pecks my lips then she gets off my lap and walks over to Susie, Toto's wife, who leads her out of the room.

"Now to answer your question my Birth Mom is fighting a serious illness and has been for the past year so I don't see her coming to any races." I say. "Now as for my adoptive family I have no clue."

"Alright any other question?" Toto asks trying to get the attention away from me.

Nobody says anything.

"That's all for today." Toto says. "We'll see you in Barcelona for testing.

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