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Stella's POV

"Daddy." Kristie moans as I play with her clit.

"What do you need princess?" I ask as I fuck my fiancée's ass.

"Cum Daddy." Kristie begs. "I need your cum in my ass."

"Then take it Slut." I say then I slam into Kristie's ass and empty my load inside of her.

"MMMM." Kristie moans as I feel her cum on my fingers.

Once Kristie's stopped cumming, I pull my fingers out of her pussy

"You're such a good girl." I praise then I nibble on Kristie's ear. "You took Daddy so well."

Kristie shyly smiles at me then she sucks her juices off my finger as I pull out of her ass.

"Well that's hot." I say as I watch my cum drip out of my future wife's ass.

"What's it look like?" Kristie asks.

I quickly grab my phone off the counter then I video my cum dripping out of Kristie's ass.

"Look kitten." I say then Kristie and I watch my cum drip from her ass. "Maybe we should use one of your plugs to keep my cum inside of you.

"Hell yes." Kristie says then I grab one of her butt plugs

Once I have one of Kristie's new butt plugs, I spread her ass then I guide the plug inside of her.

"Ooh that's cold." Kristie says. "Which one did you use?"

"The one that says Daddy's Anal Slut." I say with a smile as I take a picture of said plug in Kristie's ass then I show my baby.

"It looks better than I thought it would."

"That's because it's in the best ass in the world." I say.

Kristie blushes as she pecks my lips then we get in the shower and wash the sex off of us.

Once my future wife and I are clean, we get out of the shower, dry off, then get dressed.

"This bedroom is soundproof right?" My submissive asks.

"Yep." I say. "So nobody heard your cries of love."

Kristie blushes then we finish getting dressed.

After the love of my life and i finish getting dressed we grab everything we'll need for today then we leave our motor home and head to the Jaguar Racing team motor home.

When we get to the Jaguar Racing team motor home, my soulmate and I get mic'd up for today's filming thing.

Today was the first day of free Practice ahead of the Miami GP this weekend, and now that the track is clear, ESPN is filming a conversation thing between myself, Kristie, and a bunch of other people then I'm taking the non racers out onto the track in a two-seater f1 car. 

The people involved in the conversation are myself, my soulmate, My sister Christen, Emma Harris, Sue Bird, Elena Delle Donne, Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, Lebron James, Steph Curry, Mike Trout, and Mookie Betts.

"Rayne's still with Ash and Ali right?" Kristie asks.

"And the pups yes." I say a my future wife and I finish getting mic'd up.

Once Kristie and I are mic'd up we go sit down in our chairs.

Eventually all the other sports stars get mic'd up and sat down then we're told we can start.

"So before we begin I got you all a present." I say then my assistant brings out the custom helmet's I had made for the 11 people who'll be riding in the custom two seater f1 car.

"Well this is sick." Steph says as he looks at his helmet

I gave the helmet customizer people the names of everyone I needed custom helmets for then they did some research and customized each individual helmet with personal stuff for whom ever was going to be wearing the helmet.

After everyone's looked at their helmets, they set them down on the table in front of them then we start talking.

Because I'd rather be hanging out with my future wife, our daughter, and I our pups, I act like I'm paying attention, but I really just tune in when I'm asked a question.

"Stella as a driver." Mookie says. "Do you try to do what's best for the team or..."

"Hell no." I say. "We won the Constructors championship both years I won the Drivers championship and I couldn't give a damn about the Constructors Championship."

"What about now that you're an owner?"

"We had a 10 day try out thing for the second driver spot and on day one I told everyone that whomever I chose to be my other driver should expect no help from me during the races." I say. "But I feel like that mindset will change later on in my career."

Everyone nods then we move on to a different question.

A few minutes later, the death of my birth Mom becomes a topic of discussion.

"Can you take us through that day?" A producer asks.

Fuck's sake.

"That was the worst day of my life." I say. "I'd finish last in every race from here on out if it meant my Mama could see me race in person just once."

I knew this would come up.

"I mean I won the US GP, I won the World Drivers championship, and I received a 10 million dollar bonus for winning the championship." I say. "Yet I had to go bury the woman who sacrificed everything so I could be here."

I kinda wish I didn't agree to do this now.

"My Mama gave me up for adoption cause she knew that I would have a better life and I would achieve my dreams if I had a better home life."

"Speaking of Death." My sisters says. "There's something I've always wanted to know."

Uh oh.

"Are you scared of dying?"

"No." I say.

"Even during your Crash?" Sue asks. "Cause My fiancée and you aren't that close and even she was inconsolable when she found out."

"Our whole team was." Emma says.

"The only thing I thought of when I was flying towards the barrier was that I didn't want Rayne to see me." I admit. "Crashing comes with the sport and I've already come to terms with the fact I may die."

"Does Kristie know this?" My sister asks.

"I do." Kristie says. "Stella told me all of this early on in our relationship."

My sister nods then we all talk about other stuff.

Eventually we're all talked out which means it's time to head out onto the track.

"Alright People." I say. "Let's go racing."

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