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Stella's POV

"Hey Stella." Ali says

"Hey." I say into my phone. "Could you or Ash come get Rayne for a little bit?"

"Sure." Ali says. "Is something wrong?"

"I feel like something's about to happen and I don't want her to see it."

"Alright." Ali says. "We can probably take the dogs out for a walk around the neighborhood then we can go get a treat after."

"Thank you."

"Are you okay?" Ali asks.

"Rehab's not been the best and quarantining is fucking with my head." I say. "These past three months haven't been that great."

Truthfully the past three months have been hell.

I can't go anywhere because of COVID, I can't do anything physically except rehab, and I can barely fucking walk on my own.

I'm pretty sure if I can't fully walk on my own then I'm out of a job.

"I'm sorry Stella."

"Don't be." I say. "I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Alright." Ali says then I hang up.

"RAYNE." I shout.

"Yeah Mommy?" Rayne says as she walks into my office.

"Ash and Ali are gonna come by in a few minutes to take you and the puppies out on a walk then they'll take you to go get some ice cream."

"Is it safe?"

"Yes Babygirl." I say. "They've been quarantining just like us so it's safe. Just wear your mask and only take it off when you eat your ice cream, Okay?"

"Okay Mommy." Rayne says then she hugs me. "It's gonna be okay Mommy."

I still don't know how Rayne does that.

She always know's when I'm sad even when I don't show it.

"It's gonna be okay." Rayne says.

"I hope so." I mumble then I kiss my mini-me's head. "Let's go get the puppies ready."

"Okay." Rayne says then she hands me my cane.

Once I have my cane I follow Rayne out to the living room then I sit down on a couch while Rayne gets the puppies leashes.

"Lilo...Stitch...Appa...Come here." I say then our three puppies come running.

When the puppies get to me they sit at my feet so I lean down and pet them until Rayne gets back with the leashes.

Once Rayne does return we put the leashes on the puppies then we wait for Ash and Ali.

"They're here." Kristie says then she comes over and hands Rayne her mask.

"Thanks." Rayne says then she puts on her mask.

Once Rayne has her mask on she hugs me for a few seconds.

"See ya later Mommy." Rayne says.

"Have fun with your aunties." I say.

Rayne nods then she Eskimo kisses me.

"Aww." I hear Kristie whisper.

"See ya soon munchkin." I say and hug my daughter one more time.

"Bye Mommy." Rayne says then she picks up the leashes and follows Kristie to the door. "Bye Kristie."

"Bye Munchkin." Kristie says as I hear the front door open. "See you soon."

A couple seconds later I hear the front door close then I watch as my girlfriend comes and sits down next to me.

"What's wrong?" Kristie asks.

"I'm gonna lose my job." I mumble.

"Why do you think that?" Kristie asks.

"I CAN'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING." I shout then I throw a lamp at the wall.

Here come's the anger issue's.

"STELLA." Kristie yells.


"Stop." Kristie says then she pulls me into her. "Just stop."

Kristie holds me for a long time while I get my emotions out.

"It's okay." Kristie says then she kisses my head. "It'll all be okay."

- - - - -

Kristie's POV

"Time to wake up princess." I say as I run my finger's through Rayne's hair as she wakes up from her nap. "It's time to plan our surprise for Mommy."

"It's time?" Rayne asks as she wakes up.

"Mhmm." I say. "They'll be here in a few minutes."

"And when'll Mommy be home?"

It's been a few days since Stella's little breakdown and today she's at a local Florida race track to test herself and see if she can actually drive again so Rayne and I have the day to plan our surprise for Stella.

"She'll be home tomorrow." I say.

"Okay." Rayne says then she gets out of bed.

Once Rayne's out of bed we tidy up her room then we get ready for our guest.

"There we go." I say as I adjust Rayne's mask. "Prefect."

"Thank you." Rayne says then the doorbell rings.

After the doorbell rings I put my mask on then we head to the door and open it.

"Kristie?" One of the men asks.

"Yes." I say then I open the door wider. "Come in."

The two men nod then they come inside.

"It's nice to meet you in person." The bald man says. "I'm Brett and this is Wayde."

"Nice to meet you." I say then I pick up Rayne and rest her on my hip.

"I know we talked about general stuff for the fish tank, but where would you like it to be set up?" Wayde asks so I lead the two men to the spot I thought of.

Since Stella's had a shit year I thought it'd be nice to surprise her with a fish tank.

"What about here?" I question as I show the two men the wall that Stella put a few holes in. "Stella got a bit mad about not being able to potentially race again so this happened

"This could work." Brett says then he and Wayde do a bunch of measurements.

"So why do you want a tank?" Wayde asks.

"Well Stella's always wanted a tank and since she's had a rough year I thought it'd be nice to surprise her with one." I say as they finish taking measurements.

"Mr. Wayde." Rayne says.

"Yes sweetheart?" Wayde says.

"Can you put a chocolate chip sea star in the tank?" Rayne asks. "They're my favorite."

"You got it." Wayde says with a smile.

"What type of fish do you want in the tank?" Brett asks.

"Mommy loves the fish from Hawaii." Rayne says.

"Well then how about we bring Hawaii to Florida?" Wayde asks

"Sounds good to me." I say.

The fish dudes and I go over some logistical stuff then they leave.

"Alright munchkin." I say once Rayne and I are alone. "Let's get to cleaning."

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