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Stella's POV

"Blinders Rayne." I say then Rayne covers her eyes.

When I see that Rayne's eyes are covered I change out of my clothes and into my racing suit.

Once I'm changed into my flameproof under shirt, flameproof compression shorts, and flameproof socks I put on my blue racing suit then I put on my Nike racing shoes.

After I'm dressed I look at a diagram of the race track that's on the wall in my changing room in the Jaguar Racing garage.

Today's the Miami Grand Prix

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Today's the Miami Grand Prix.

After I'm dressed I grab my helmet, my gloves, my neck collar, and my fire proof balaclava then I head out into the garage and lead Rayne to her seat next to Kristie.

"Have fun Mommy." Rayne says as I put my curly jet black hair into a ponytail.

"Good luck Kiss?" I question

Rayne smiles at me before her little hands grab my face then she pulls me towards her and pecks my lips.

"Stay safe Mommy." Rayne says as I put my pony tail into my racing suit.

"You got it Princess." I say then I hug Rayne one more time.

After I hug Rayne, I hug my friends that are sitting in the garage, then I kiss my future wife.

"Come back to me Mrs. Maxwell." Kristie says.

"I will Mrs. Maxwell." I say then I kiss and hug my future wife.

After I hug my future wife I grab my gloves, my neck collar, and my helmet then head onto the track to meet my race engineers.

"You Ready?" London asks as I put in my earplugs that also let me hear the radio.

"Very ready." I say then I put on my balaclava, my neck collar, and my helmet.

Once I'm ready to drive I get in the car, put my gloves on, then I get connected to everything I need to be connected to.

"You got me Stella?" London asks over the radio.

"Loud and clear London." I say.

"Stella it's Zara." My race engineer says over the radio. "You got me?"

"Gotcha." I say.

"Good." Zara says. "Now..."

Over the next some odd minutes I sit in my car and talk to London and Zara until everyone is off the track.

Once everyone is off the track all of the drivers take a formation/warmup lap around the track.

After the formation lap is over I lineup in my slot in pole position then I look at the over head lights and wait for the red lights to go out.

The moment the red lights turn off I, along with everyone else on the grid, race towards the first corner.

Thankfully my start was better than Lewis, who's was in P2, so going into turn 1, 2, and 3 I'm in P1.

"Great start Stella." Zara says as I race towards turn 4. "You're in P1 and we're gonna do everything we can to keep you there."

"I like the sound of that." I say.

"As do I." London says. "So put you're foot down and let's go win this thing."

- - - - -

"Well that felt good." I say as I cross the finish line in first place.

"Great drive Stella." Zara says.

"Thanks." I say. "Where'd Scarlett finish?"



"I guess you didn't get the Memo Stella." London says. "Apparently we're supposed to suck."

"You and I are gonna have to pay a visit to the Mercedes Garage." I say. "Show them where they can shove there bitch ass new driver."

"Wait till we get our trophies then we can do just that." London says.

"Sounds good." I say then I continue my cool down/victory lap.

When I get back to the pit lane, I head down to the end to where the victory area is.

While I'm passing the Mercedes Garage, I flip off my old team.

Lewis Hamilton is the only person from Mercedes that has contacted me since I was let go.

Once at the victory area I park in-front of the 1st place sign then I un hook myself before I get out of the car.

After I'm out of the car I head over to my pit crew and hug them then I head inside to the cool down room.

Once in the cool down room, I take off my helmet, neck collar, balaclava, and ear plugs then I grab the water bottle and chug it.

When told to, I follow Scarlett, who got second, and the third place driver Lewis Hamilton up to the podium.

Lewis walks out first followed by Scarlett then I walk out, wave, and stand on the top of the podium.

A few moments later the American anthem starts so I drop down to one knee and stay there for the duration of the anthem.

After the anthem plays, the first ever female mayor of Miami hands me the first place trophy then she shakes my hand.

When the Miami mayor leaves, I look at my first trophy while the other two drivers get there trophy as well as London, who's acting as the Jaguar representative for the constructors trophy.

Once all the trophy's are passed out myself and the other two drivers grab our big bottles of champagne then we start spraying it at each other and towards the crowd before we drink some.

After I've drank some champagne, London, Scarlett, and I leave the podium area and walk back down to our garage.

As we're walking, we pass by the Mercedes Garage so London and I stop

"Where's your winners trophies?" I ask as I look at my former team then I look at my friend. "Do you know London?"

"You know I don't think they won today." London says.

"They didn't?" I say then I fake gasp. "Wait didn't we win?"

"We did." London says then I look at my old boss.

"I hope you enjoyed winning while it lasted." I say. "Cause letting me go was the worst decision of your career."

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