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Kristie's POV

"Hey Kristie." Tobin says and sits next to me. "Whatcha watching?

"Stella's race is about to start." I say as people file into the meeting room to relax for the rest of the night.

"Where is she racing?"


"Is she coming to any of the games?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." I say and smile a bit. "She and her daughter are flying here after her race finishes."

"Look." Tobin says and points to the computer on my lap.

Stella is shown doing her pre race stuff while she holds Rayne.

My girlfriend is wearing my USA jersey and Rayne is wearing Christen's

"Hey Christen." I say and get her attention. "You're gonna wanna see this."

Christen comes over with waters for her and her fiancée then she sits on Tobin's lap.

"Aww." Christen says as I get out my phone. "She's so cute."

Me: Nice Jersey.

Speedy🏎💨: Thanks.

Speedy🏎💨: My beautiful girlfriend gave it to me.

"She's such a flirt." Christen says making me nod.

"I can't wait to see her." I admit. "It's been too long."

"Aww." Kelley says from the other side of the table. "Kristie's in love."

I blush at Kelley's statement then I look at the loved up couple next to me.

"Do you think I'll get to meet her daughter?" I ask.

"You will." Christen says. "Stella's just very very protective of her daughter."

- - - - -

Stella's POV

"Hey beautiful." I say while on FaceTime with Kristie in a hotel in Reims, France.

"Hey speedy." Kristie says.

Rayne and I just got into Reims from the Canadian Grand Prix and tomorrow we are going to the Thailand v USA game.

I finished second in my race.

"Kristie who's with you?" I ask when people walk behind my girlfriend.

"The team." Kristie says and she shows me the team then puts it back on herself.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We just had a team meeting and now we are lounging for the night."

"Oh fun." I mumble.

"You okay?"

"Kristie why are you with me?" I ask and I can hear all the noise where she is stop.

I forgot she didn't have headphones on.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I know we're soulmate's, but is this just a bit a fun for you?" I ask. "Am I just a quick fuck?"

"Of course not Stella." Kristie says. "Where is all this coming from?"

"We've known each other for almost three months and we've been dating for almost a month and not once have you mentioned Rayne, asked how she is, or asked to see her and it just worries me about your intentions."

"I never asked because I didn't want to push you." Kristie says through the phone. "Baby I would love to meet her."

"I just don't want someone walking in and out of Rayne's life." I say and run my hand through Rayne's hair as she sleeps. "She doesn't deserve that."

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