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Stella's POV

"Hi people of the internet." I say as I record myself with my phone. "My girls and I are about to have our weekly ice cream car date, but I'd like to talk about the rumored NWSL Tournament in Utah."

"Hi." Kristie says then she kisses my cheek. "I'm gonna go help Rayne.

I nod then I watch Kristie walk away before I look back to the camera.

"To all the NWSL players, whether you play for the US Women's National Team or not, please do not go to the Tournament in Utah." I say. "I will pay each and everyone of you double your salary to not go. We all know it's not safe to do what the league is planing to do at the moment so tell them you're not going and I will make good on my promise."

As an owner of the Pride, I've seen the proposal the NWSL is planning on enacting regarding COVID and let's just say it's shit.

They don't even have a plan to test the players right now.

"PUPPIES LET'S GO." Rayne shouts.

"Rayne's wrangling the pups into the car." I say and chuckle. "But back to the matter at hand, to all the other NWSL owners, your proposal is so shit that right now the best idea for you would be to just play the games in front of no fans at the regular stadiums. If you owners need help chartering flights then contact me and I will help you get in touch with people who can help you."

"We're ready." Kristie mouths causing me to nod.

"I gotta go, but please consider my offer and stay safe." I say then I stop recording and post the video."

After I post the video I grab my wallet then I head out to the car and get in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" Kristie asks.

"Yep." I say then I look at Rayne through the rear-view mirror. "Ready for some ice cream Babygirl?"

"Yes Mommy." Rayne says with a smile as she pets her three puppies.

"Then let's go get some ice cream." I say then Kristie backs out of the drive way and heads to the ice cream place.

When we get to the ice cream place, the elderly owner is waiting outside with our three ice cream's.

"Hey Mary." Kristie says as she pulls into our normal parking spot.

We chose this ice cream place because it over looks a lake so the three of us can sit in the trunk of the car and lookout over the water as we eat our ice cream.

It's also not very well known so we aren't bothered by anybody while we're having our weekly ice cream date.

"Hey ladies." Mary says then she hands us our normal ice cream's.

My ice cream order is one scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough, one scoop of orange sherbet, and one scoop of mint chocolate chip.

Kristie's ice cream order is one scoop of banana, one scoop of Neapolitan, and one scoop of rainbow sherbet.

Rayne's ice cream order is one scoop of cotton candy, one scoop of play dough, and one scoop of raspberry twister.

"Thanks." Kristie says then she pays Mary.

"Enjoy." Mary says. "And call if you need anything."

Mary walks away so my girls and I get out of the car, open the trunk, then we sit in the trunk and enjoy our ice cream.

"The girls wanna know if you're serious." Kristie says.

"Which girls?" I question. "The Dash or the national team?"

"Both." Kristie says. "But the national team players have been getting contacted by their clubs players and  they've been asking them if your serious."

"I am, but tell the national team we can call after Rayne goes to bed."

"Alright." Kristie says then she locks her phone. "I'll tell them later."

"I love ice cream." Rayne says

"I can tell." I say then I wipe my daughter's ice cream covered face. "Make sure you get some in your mouth."

"Okay." Rayne says with a smile then she looks at Kristie. "When you go back to the Dash?"

"In two weeks." Kristie says. "I think."

"Aww." Rayne says. "I'm gonna miss you."

- - - - -

"Can you all hear me?" I ask as I look at the 10 people on my Skype call.

"Yeah." The NWSL Commissioner and other 8 NWSL team owner's say.

After I posted my video last night the NWSL got into some shit because of the video and a lot of the players told their clubs that they were gonna take my offer unless the NWSL had a better plan for the tournament in Utah.

Because all the players threatened to sit out, the owners of each club and the NWSL commissioner wanted to have a call with me to see what help I can give them.

"Cool." I say.

"So what about our proposal did you have issue's with?" One of the owners asks.

"Mainly the COVID testing and the fact the kids can't come with their mother's to the games." I say. "I'd rather you just charter flights and play the season normally.

"How do you expect us to afford that?" The Utah Royals owner asks.

"Sir you paid 1.3 million dollars for a fucking coin." I say. "I think you can pay for a fucking charter."

"How do you expect the owners to pay for that many flights?" The Portland team owner asks.

"I have connections in the airline world and can help charter all 9 teams."

"What do you mean you can charter all 9 teams?" Lisa Baird asks.

"I have friends in the NWSL cities who have planes with the capabilities to fly all players, coaching staff, media people, and medical staff to and from games." I clarify. "I've already talked to them and they are willing and able to charter all 9 teams at a very low cost."


"They're loaded." I say. "They want to help so please consider this and put the players health first...And I'm not just talking about their physical health, I mean their mental health too."

"What'd you mean by that?" The Red Stars owner asks.

"Being away from their families in the middle of a worldwide pandemic just to play football may not be the best." I say. "Especially if you don't allow them to bring their kids."

"And the COVID testing?" Lisa Baird asks.

"Testing after every game isn't enough." I say. "In F1 we're going to be testing every day when we arrive at our team garage and when we leave our garage."

"MOMMY." I hear Rayne sob.

"Gotta go." I say then shut my computer.

After I shut my computer I sprint towards the sound of Rayne's sob.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask as I pick up my daughter.

"Kristie don't want me." Rayne says through her cries.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked her to be my Mama and she said no."

"You did what?" I ask as I look at Kristie. "Why don't you want to be Rayne's other Mom?"

"Because I just don't want to Stella." Kristie says.

"If that's how you feel then maybe we should just break up." I say. "And maybe you should find a new Domme."

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