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Stella's POV

"You're hair is getting really long." I say as I run my fingers through Rayne's black hair. "I may need to cut it."

"Okay" Rayne says then I put my daughter's hair up into the hairstyle Ash wears when she's playing in goal.

"There we go." I say.

"Thanks Mommy." Rayne says and hugs me.

"No problem Princess." I say then I kiss my daughter's head before I grab everything we need.

After I have everything we need, Rayne and I leave our hotel room, then we head down to the lobby and leave the hotel.

My daughter and I walk for a while until we reach a grocery store then we head inside, grab a picnic basket, and fill it up with stuff.

"Is that all you want sweetheart?" I ask after we've filled our picnic basket.

"What all do we have." Rayne asks so I squat down to show her height then show her the picnic basket.

"We have the sandwiches, the cookies, the parfait thingy's, the pasta salad, chips and dips, and our drinks."

"I'm fine." Rayne says.

"You sure?" I ask as I put some utensils and plates into the picnic basket.

Rayne nods so we head to the cashier, pay for everything, then we start walking to our next destination.

"Do you see her?" I ask as Rayne and I walk through the Champ de Mars.

"No." Rayne says then a few seconds later she gasps. "I see her."

"Where?" I question.

"There." Rayne says and points to the person we're meeting for a picnic

"Get her." I say.

"KRISTIE." Rayne shouts when she see's my girlfriend then she runs at my favorite blonde midfielder.

"Hey Rayne." Kristie says then she scoops my daughter up into her arms.

"I missed you." Rayne says.

"I missed you too Rayne." Kristie says as I get to her.

"Hey Gorgeous." I say right before Kristie pecks my lips.

"Hey Speedy." Kristie says.

"We brought food." Rayne says.

"Oh you did?" Kristie questions and Rayne nods enthusiastically. "Well I brought the stuff for us to sit on so why don't we start eating."

Rayne nods so Kristie sets my daughter down then the three of us sit on the blanket before we open up the picnic basket and eat our food

"Kristie." Rayne says.

"Yes Sweetie?" Kristie says.

"Have you seen Mommy's new tattoo?"

"New tattoo?" Kristie questions and looks at me.

I smile then turn over my right arm to reveal my new tattoo.

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