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Stella's POV

"I like the new plane." Rayne says as we climb into the car that's waiting for us in the Miami hangar.

My old plane was having issues so I sold it and bought a new Gulfstream G700.

"I do too princess." I say as Kristie and I help the dogs into the back seat with Rayne.

Once the dogs are in the car, Kristie and I get in the car then I drive us to Hard Rock Stadium.

It's time for Formula One Winter testing and the Formula One people decided to have testing at the Miami Track since it's the first track and because it's new so it gives everyone the chance to get a feel for the track while also testing our car.

"Is Auntie Emma gonna be here?" Rayne asks.

"I don't think so munchkin." I say. "I think she's still in London."

"Aww." Rayne says.

"But we can call her later so you can talk." Kristie says.

"Yay." Rayne says with a smile as we pull up to Hard Rock Stadium.

"It's so odd that the race is in the parking lot of the stadium." Kristie says as I follow the line of cars to the assigned parking area of the track.

"It is very odd." I say as I pull into the spot labeled Reserved for Jaguar Racing Owner.

Once the car is parked, my family and I get out the car, grab our bags, and the stuff for the dogs then we walk to the paddock area of the track.

"I don't see our motor home thingy." Kristie says.

"Cause I got a new one." I say as we walk in-between the Jaguar Racing Team Motor Home and the McLaren Team Motor Home. "Here it is."

"Okay that's bigger than the last one." Kristie says.

"It's a lot bigger." I say as we look at the motor home that Rayne, the pups, and I will be staying in during the season.

I prefer staying at the different track during the season instead of having a hotel because we have more privacy, I can make sure Rayne's needs are always met, and mainly because I like feeling like I'm at home after a long race.

"Let's go un pack." I say then I unlock the door to the motor home and lead my family inside.

"Wow." Kristie says as she looks around.

This motor home is a lot bigger than the one I had at Mercedes.

"Go explore pups." I say as I unleash Lilo, Stitch, and Appa.

Once the dogs are unleashed, I give my girls a tour then we unpack our stuff.

Rayne and I are gonna be here for two weeks for Testing then the race while Kristie will be here for a this weekend and the first day of testing then she has to head back to Orlando for pre-season, but she'll be back for the race along with the Orlando team and some of the national team ladies.

"I finished." Rayne says. "Can I go play?"

"Sure Munchkin." I say. "We're almost done so we'll come get you then we'll head over to the Jaguar area."

Rayne nods then she disappears into the living room so I grab a box from my bag and hand it to Kristie.

"Your butt plugs arrived today before we left." I whisper as I hand Kristie the box.

"I was wondering when they'd come in." Kristie says as she puts the box inside a dresser draw that Rayne can't reach. "We can look at them later."

"Sounds good." I say then I kiss my future wife before we resume unpacking.

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