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Stella's POV

"Bye Kristie." Rayne says as she looks at us through FaceTime. "Bye Mommy."

"Bye Babygirl." Kristie says.

"You be good for your Aunties." I say then Rayne nods. "I love you Rayne."

"I love you Mommy." Rayne says.

"Bye baby."

"Bye Mommy" Rayne says then we hang up.

Once my daughter and I have hung up I look at Kristie.

"You ready to go?" I ask.

Kristie nods so we grab the stuff we need for the night then we get in the car and head to my club

Kristie wants to see the Le Chateau Club and possible have our first playtime together.

Rayne and her puppies are staying with a friend of mine for the night.

"Here we are." I say as I pull into my reserved spot at the club.

"This place is huge." Kristie says as I turn off my car.

"That it is." I say then we head inside the club.

"Hey Boss Lady." One of my club employees says as I walk in the front door of my club.

"Hey Serenity." I say then Kristie and I head through the curtain that blocks the view of the main floor of the club.

"Ooh." Kristie says as she looks around. "This place is nice."

"You want a tour?" I ask.

Kristie nods so I intertwine our hands then I lead my soulmate around the club I own.

I show Kristie the stage used for stripping and BDSM shows, I show her the bar and food area, I show her the demonstration area where new domme's and subs can learn what certain toys and other BDSM stuff does, I show Kristie the area of the club where the private playrooms are, then I show her the area of the club where you can buy stuff to take home and use.

"This place is massive." Kristie says.

"That it is." I say. "But we have two more places to see."

"Alright." Kristie says then I lead her to the playroom that's reserved for me.

"This is reserved for me." I say as I open the door to the playroom. "And now it's reserved for me and you."

"Okay this is gonna sound jealous as fuck, but how many ladies have you been in here with?" Kristie asks.

"In the 7 years I've owned this place, i've only had 12 women in here." I say. "And the last one I had in here was in September of 2018."

"May I ask who has been punished in here?"

"Meghan Markle, Demi Lovato, Beyoncé, Miranda Kerr, Salma Hayek, Hayden Panettiere, Rihanna, Megan Fox, Anne Hathaway, Jasmine Tookes, Blake Lively, and Keke Palmer." I say. "But I never had sex with any of them in here or anywhere else."

"Oh." Kristie says. "Wait Meghan Markle?"

"Mhmm." I say.

"Well that's fucking cool." Kristie says.

"It was." I say then I lead Kristie across the hall. "This is my office."

"You have a bed in your office?" Kristie asks.

"I put it in here a few years ago incase I met my soulmate and wanted to fuck while we're here or if I needed to nap."

"Ah." Kristie says then someone knocks on my door.

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