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Stella's POV

"You ready Stella?" My lawyer asks as she comes out of the court room.

"Yep." I say then I pick up my little girl.

"Mama do I have to look at Ms. Meanie butt?" Rayne asks as we walk into the court room.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." I say as I see Rayne's biological other mother looking at me.

Rayne notices Kim Kardashian looking at us so she hides her head in my neck

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Rayne notices Kim Kardashian looking at us so she hides her head in my neck

"It's okay sweetie." I whisper. "I promise we'll be done soon."

Today's the court case for my libel case against Kim Kardashian.

Kim thought I was kidding when I told her I'd sue after she published that article about me that was full of lies.

When Rayne and I get to our seats we sit down then a couple minutes later the trial starts so Rayne and I wait until we have to testify.

Annoyingly, my lawyer alerted me that Kim's lawyer is most likely going to call Rayne to testify.

"Your honor I'd like to call Stella Maxwell to the stand." Kim Kardashian's Lawyer says.

"Ms. Maxwell please take the stand." The Female judge says so I do as told.

Once on the stand I get sworn in then I sit down and look at the defense lawyer.

"For the record state your full name." Kim Kardashian's Lawyer says.

"Next question." I say.

"State your full name." Kim Kardashian's Lawyer says.

"Next question." I say again.

"Counsellor she doesn't need to state her name." The judge says. "You already stated her name when you called her to the stand so Let's move this along."

"Ms. Maxwell when did you meet my client."

"February of 2014."

"Where did you meet?"

"Some bar in LA." I say.

"And what happened at said bar?"

"She offered to buy me a drink, we had two drinks each, then we went back to my hotel room and slept together." I say.

"Was it consensual?"

"Yes." I say. "And I have the evidence to prove that it was."

"Why haven't you allowed My client to see her daughter?" Kim Kardashian's Lawyer says.

"Because Rayne isn't her daughter." I say. "Kim Kardashian signed her rights away after Rayne was born so she's legally not Rayne's mother."

I hate dumbass people.

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