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Stella's POV

"Mommy?" Rayne asks as we walk into a hotel.

"Yes Pumpkin?" I ask as Rayne grabs my hand.

"What are we doing here?"

"Well you know how Auntie Chrissy's team got new Jersey's?" I ask.

"The white one and the red one?" Rayne asks and I nod.

"And you know how I have a sponsorship with Nike?"

"Yeah." Rayne says and smiles. "We get free stuff all the time."

"Yes we do." I say and chuckle. "Anyways, Chrissy's team and nike want you and I to model the new jersey's."

"Me too?" Rayne asks as we get to a door.

"Mhmm." I say then I watch Rayne smile before I knock on the door.

A couple seconds later the door to the room opens then we are motioned in.

"CHRISSY." Rayne yells when she see's her Aunt then she runs to her.

"Hey Pretty girl." Christen says and picks up my mini-me. "How's my favorite Maxwell doing?"

"Hey." I say and playfully pout.

"I said what I said." Christen says making me squint my eyes at her as Rayne hugs Ali and Ash. 

"Tobin have I ever told you the story of how Christen found out she was into chicks?" I question then I see my sister's eyes widen.

"Tobin if you ever want to have...fun time again then you won't answer that question." Christen says.

Tobin sighs then she shakes her head.

"Sorry Stella." Tobin says then she comes over to me and hugs me. "Tell me later."

"AUNTIE TOBY." Rayne yells then she comes running over to Tobin.

"Hey Munchkin." My sister-in-law says then she picks Rayne up.

"Toby?" Rayne says as she plays with the forward's hair.

"Yes Rayne?"

"What's fun time?" Rayne asks causing everyone in the room to look at my daughter.

"Fun time?" Tobin questions.

"Yeah." Rayne says. "Auntie Chrissy said if you found out about that story then no more fun time for you."

I then immediately look at my sister.

"Sorry." Christen mouths.

"Well Rayne." Tobin says causing me to look at her. "When two adults love each other very very much they spend some alone time together in their bedroom and have fun together."

"Oh." Rayne says. "Okay." 

Thank fuck that worked.

"Alright you're all done." The make up lady says. "Do you want your daughter to have any make up on?"

"No." I say.

"Mommy what's make up?" Rayne asks as she walks over to me.

"It's the stuff that makes Ali take a long time to get ready before we go out to eat." I say with a smirk.

"Hey." Ali says. "It takes time to look this good."

"I mean you don't need it." Ash mumbles.

"Alright before you two start having fun time right here." I say as I pick up Rayne. "We're gonna get ready."

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