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Stella's POV

"Mommy." Rayne says as she walks into our bedroom without a shirt on. "I can't find my shirt."

"Alright." I say then sigh. "Where'd you leave it last?"

"On the bed." Rayne says as I stand up.

"Here it is." I say when I see it's on top of the dresser. "I guess I moved it...Sorry Baby."

"It's okay Mommy." Rayne says then she holds her arms up.

I help Rayne into her shirt before I grab her backpack then I pick my daughter up and leave our motorhome thingy

After Rayne and I are out of the motorhome thingy I walk us through the paddock until we reach the Mercedes hospitality tent and garage.

When we get to the Mercedes area I head to my room then I set Rayne down on the small couch before I change out of my clothes and into my racing suit.

While I get dressed I look at a diagram of the race track that's on the wall

After I'm dressed I grab my helmet, my gloves, my neck collar, and my fire proof balaclava then I head out into the garage

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After I'm dressed I grab my helmet, my gloves, my neck collar, and my fire proof balaclava then I head out into the garage.

"Well don't you look Spiffy." Christen says.

Because one of our Sponsors invited Ashlyn, Ali, Emma, Kristie, Sam, Tobin, Christen, and Alex to the race they get to sit in the garage. 

"Thanks." I say as I put my racing stuff on one of the chairs. "You all have headsets right?"

"Yep." Christen says as the 8 ladies and Rayne hold up their protective headsets.

"Sweet." I say then I squat down to Rayne's height. "Now you be good for Auntie Chrissy Okay?"

"Okay Mommy." Rayne says as I put my curly jet black hair into a ponytail.

"Good luck Kiss?" I question.

Rayne smiles at me before her little hands grab my face then she pulls me towards her and pecks my lips.

"Stay safe Mommy." Rayne says as I put my pony tail into my racing suit.

"You got it Princess." I say then the 8 ladies hug me.

After the hugs I grab my gloves, my neck collar, and my helmet then head onto the track to meet my race engineers.

"You Ready?" Toto asks as I put in my earplugs that also let me ear the radio.

"Very ready." I say then I put on my balaclava, my neck collar, and my helmet.

Once I'm ready to drive I get in the car, put my gloves on, then I get connected to everything I need to be connected to.

"You got me Stella?" Toto asks over the radio.

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