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Kristie's POV

"Is Mommy gonna wake up soon?" Rayne asks as we color in her Mommy's hospital room.

"I hope so Munchkin." I say. "I really hope so."

Stella's been in a coma for the last three weeks and neither Rayne or I have rarely left her side.

The only time we've left Stella's side is to go home to pack a new bag for the week and do laundry.

We also leave the room to go get food then we come back and eat in Stella's room.

Oh we also leave the room to take the puppies out to the bathroom.

After the national team left Orlando to head to New York for the second game of SheBelieves the puppies started staying in the hospital room with us.

Probably not the most hygienic thing, but Rayne told the doctors that the puppies were staying with us otherwise she would get her 22 national team aunts to come talk to the doctor.

"I hope she wakes up soon." Rayne says.

"Me too." I say as the doctor walks into the room. "Hey Doc."

"Hello." Stella's doctor says. "There's something I want to run by you."

"What is it?"

"Well this COVID thing is about to hit hard so we were thinking we'd move Stella to your house and have an in home nurse there until she's awake so she nor any of you get sick with COVID when it does hit."

"How would that work?" I ask.

"We'd take her down to an ambulance, transport her to your house, then we'd set her up exactly like she is in her, but in your home." The doctor says.

"What about the nurse?"

"They'd be two nurse's who haven't had contact with any COVID patients and they'd be assigned to your home."

"Two?" I ask.

"2 nurses for 12 hour shifts." The doctor says.

"Would they need to live with us?" I question.

"We'd have to talk to the two nurses and see how far away they live, but it's possible." The doctor says as Ash, Ali, Syd, Alex, Tobin, and Christen walk in. "Hello."

"Hey Doc." Tobin says.

"What's going on?" Christen asks.

The doctor explains everything to my teammates then we talk about what to do.

"So we're all in agreement then?" Christen says then everyone nods.

"Great." The doc says. "I'll go alert the transport team."

Stella's Doctor leaves the room so Rayne, Ash, Ali, Syd, Alex, Tobin, Christen, and I start packing up Rayne, the puppies, and I's things.

We finish packing right as the transport team gets here so Christen and Rayne carry the three puppies while Tobin and I carry the bags down to car.

Once at the car we put the stuff in the trunk then we get in the car and head to Stella's home.

When we arrive at Stella's home we let the ambulance people into the house, show them where to place Stella, then we unpack the car while the medical professional's get Stella set up in one of the guest bedrooms.

Once we finish unpacking we wait for the medical professionals to leave.

"Alright." Stella's Doctor says. "We removed the ventilator from Stella because she's now breathing freely on her own."

"Good." Christen says then I hear Rayne shout.


- - - - -

Stella's POV

Where am I?


Why am I at Home?

Aren't I supposed to be in Spain?

"MOMMY." I hear my daughter yell causing me to look towards the sound of the yell.

"Hi baby." I say with a smile then my daughter runs over climbs onto me.

"Mommy you're awake." Rayne says as I wrap my arms around her.

"STELLA." Kristie shouts when she see's me holding Rayne.

"BITCH WHERE?" I hear Ash shout then I hear a lot of people run into the guest room

"Your awake." Christen says.

"Uh I guess so." I say then a man in a lab coat comes over to the bed.

"I'm Dr. Parker." The man says. "Would you mind if we check you over?"

"Uh sure?" I say then I look down at Rayne. "Let the doctor check me over then we can snuggle some more."

Rayne nods then she gets off of me and heads over to Kristie.

The doctor and other medical professionals check me over for a while before they give Kristie instructions on what to do until a nurse comes then they leave.

"A nurse?" I question. "Why do I need a nurse?"

"Do you not remember what happened?" Tobin asks.

"I crashed during testing yesterday" I say.

"Stella it wasn't yesterday." My sister says.

"Yes it was." I say.

"No Stella." Kristie says then she show's me the date on her phone. "It wasn't."

"Holy...." I say then I see Ash covers Rayne's ears. "Holy Shit."

"Yeah." Ash says as she uncovers Rayne's ears.

"I've been asleep for three weeks?" I ask.

"Yes." Kristie says as Rayne climbs back into the bed with me

"Hi Mommy." Rayne says as she looks up at me.

"Hi babygirl." I say with a smile.

Rayne smiles at me then she puts her head on my chest and snuggles into me.

"Can I see the accident?" I ask.

Kristie nods then she walks over to me and shows me the accident.

"Does Sebastian think he's at fault?" I ask when I see Sebastian Vettel hit my car after I've came back on track after the initial impact.

"He does." Kristie says. "Mercedes have tried to tell him he had nowhere to go since you came across the track so fast."

"I'll talk to him." I say. "I'm okay right?"

"Your burns healed and didn't scar, the internal bleeding healed itself, the broken bones will be healed by the middle of June." Christen says. "And you heard the doctor say he doesn't think you have nerve or brain damage."

"Well that's good." I say then I look at Kristie. "Did you miss SheBelieves?"

"I did, but who cares." Kristie says.

"Me and Kristie stayed by your side the whole time." Rayne says. "Along with the puppies."

"Well thank you for watching over me." I say.

"Welcome." Rayne says.

"I have a question about something the doctor said." I say.

"What is it?" Kristie says.

"What's COVID-19?"

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