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Stella's POV

"They know I'm a girl right?" I ask.

"Yes Stella." Kristie says as we pull into what I assume is her driveway. "They know I'm dating a Woman."

Kristie won the World Cup 9 days ago and two days ago I got 2nd at the British GP and now we are in Massachusetts so Rayne and I can meet Kristie's parents.

I think Sam will be here too.

When Kristie parks the car we step out then Kristie gets our bags from the trunk since we're staying for a week while I get Rayne out of her seat and hold her in my arms.

I have two weeks between races so we're staying here for a few days then we'll head to Chicago so Kristie can meet up with her club team to play her first game back after the World Cup.

I still don't understand why the national team doesn't get a longer break after the World Cup.

Once Rayne is in my arms we walk over and join Kristie.

"Well family this is my soulmate Stella...Stella this is my dad Robert, My Mom Melissa, and you know Sam."

"It's nice to meet everyone." I say.

"Mommy." Rayne says and looks at me.

"Yes Baby."

"Who's that?"

"That's Kristie's family."

"Oh." Rayne says then looks at Kristie's family. "Hi."

"Hi sweetie." Melissa says.

"Well the food is almost ready so why don't we head inside." Kristie's dad says then we walk into the Mewis family home.

Once in the Mewis family home, Kristie takes me and Rayne to her childhood bedroom where we'll be staying while we're here.

"Foods ready." Sam says down the hall.

Rayne grabs my hand as we walk into the kitchen then I pick up my babygirl so she can see the food better.

"What do you want to eat Rayne?" Kristie ask.

"Can I have a burger please?"

"Sure sweetie."

Everyone gets their food then we go and sit around the table.

"What do you need?" I ask when Kristie goes to get up.

"A water."

"I got it." I say then I peck Kristie's lips.

After I kiss my girl, I get up and grab a water for Kristie, Rayne, and myself then I return to the table.

During lunch Kristie catches up with her family as Rayne talks to me.

"Mommy can I choose your next tattoo?" Rayne asks.

"Sure baby." I say.

Rayne and I continue to talk in our own little world and every so often I can see Kristie and her family smiling at the interaction I'm having with my daughter.

As lunch winds down Rayne gets sleepy.

"Is there somewhere Rayne could lie down?" I ask.

"She can rest in my room." Kristie says then leads Rayne and I back down to her childhood bedroom.

Once in the room, Kristie lifts Rayne into bed then settles her under the covers.

"Have a nice nap Rayne." Kristie says then kisses Rayne's temple.

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